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Do you think Northeastern should pursue a smoke-free campus?

Total Votes: 469

  • papa frijoles - 11 years ago

    What's next...ban big sodas? designate smoking areas if you want but don't ban it. I don't smoke but am tempted to start if this rule is passed.

    Owning a piece of land shouldn't mean you can restrict individual freedoms on it whether or not you personally agree or disagree with the individual's personal health choices.

    How about banning the people soliciting money for their weird organizations on the sidewalks?

  • Non-smoker - 11 years ago

    The problem with only enforcing the 25' rule and not completely banning smoking from campus is this...

    I feel that I can hardly ever enjoy studying or reading outside on Centennial or other common areas, and I can hardly ever get from class to class without being downwind of a cigarette.

    Solely enforcing the smoking away from entrances policy isn't going to help me and others who agree from getting two lungs full of smoke every day that I'm outside. It will only help us if we like to linger just inside of doorways, the only place where a difference would be seen if the distance rule was enforced.

    I would understand the implementation of enclosed smoking pagodas or something similar to keep people from smoking in dorms. It's been proven that second hand smoke is dangerous. At this rate, after my six years here, I'm fairly certain that my lungs with be somewhat less than they were at 18.

    Also, if anything passes, it needs to be enforced. I've never seen anyone approach a smoker about smoking too close to an entrance.

  • Pharmacy Graduate - 11 years ago

    Though smokers are outnumbered by alcohol consumers, the real picture shows that alcoholism affects the individual practicing it while smoking affects the greater campus population as well.

    It is agreeable that students are of legal age and have the right to make a choice by themselves. But it does not imply that non-smokers have to bear the consequences of passive smoking when a few ignorant ones choose to smoke.

  • Non-smoker2 - 11 years ago

    @NU Student, we actually do not have that rule, though some other universities do.

    I propose the 25 feet away from entrances rule and perhaps designated smoking areas? There's nothing worse than walking behind someone and suddenly inhaling a surprise breath full of smoke. But there's no need to ban it completely, it is a personal choice.

    I don't care if people smoke, that is their choice, but I don't want to have to breathe it in everytime I want to walk in a building because people are too rude to take it somewhere else.

  • SomeGuy - 11 years ago

    No way—these are legal adults who have made the choice to smoke.
    You could say that a dry campus would make the student body healthier, but people would fight that, just because there's more drinkers. Stand up for your principles-this sets a dangerous precedent.
    First they came for the smokers...and I did not speak out because I was not a smoker. You better hope there's someone left to stand up for you when they come for the drinkers.

    Make people not smoke near the entrances of buildings, that's all we need.

  • Non-smoker - 11 years ago

    I agree with the comment above. Just enforce your entrance building non-smoking areas and we'll be fine. Maybe create smoking areas instead? It's a bit exaggerated and unfair to smokers to ban smoking on campus.

  • NU Student - 11 years ago

    Definitely No - It's not going to stop the smokers from smoking, it's just going to stop them from smoking outside. If this goes through, in a few years every dorm room will smell like an ashtray.

    Just actually enforce the "25 feet from building entrance" rule, and nobody will have anything to complain about.

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