Do YOU think Weight Watchers should fire Jessica?


  • honeybee - 10 years ago

    Every business has its own purpose. The purpose of Weight Watchers is to help people develop a healthy lifestyle to LOSE WEIGHT. Why don't you people accept that? There are other organizations that welcome pregnant women. Many organizations do not cater to pregnant women, why all these negative comments about Weight Watchers in particular? I'm a mother and I love my children, but I do believe that the world does not revolve around pregnant women.

  • Cindy - 10 years ago

    WW needs to change its policy to accommodate all situations life brings. I am not a Jessica fan, but WW is wrong.

  • Lisa McCray - 10 years ago

    They could always change their strategy with Jessica and focus more on eating right instead of it being just losing the weight. Target pregnant women in the ads, not just those wanting to lose weight.

  • Butterfly - 10 years ago

    I worked in advertising for many years and most celebrity or spokesperson contracts include a clause that the person may not change their appearance without approval from the company -- hair length, adding visible tattoos, weight, things like that -- the company can void the contract -- they hired the celebrity or spokesperson because they looked a certain way and their appearance may not be changed without approval. Pregnancy changes a woman's appearance -- yes, it's a good and natural thing, but advertising is a business and you must follow the company's policy the same as in any other business. Another example is that models must look a certain way -- do you ever see pregnant models in places such as the Victoria's Secret catalog?

  • Linda Marie - 10 years ago

    Sorry, but I disagree. Yes, Weight Watchers is a business. Many businesses are focused on a certain type of customer. The goal of Weight Watchers is to help people lose pounds to reach and maintain a healthy weight. That is the goal for after pregnancy. During pregnancy a woman aims to gain a healthy amount of weight for her and her baby. That is an entirely different eating plan. Just my opinion as a Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers for the past 35 years.

  • Elva - 10 years ago

    I am just starting the Weight Watchers Simple Start program and have been on it for a month now. This weight loss is slow going, but it's a realistic program. It's everyday life of the ups and downs of what foods to eat and what foods to stay away from and exercise. Jessica Simpson was successful in her attempts to lose the weight with the program. And she's an inspiration to all of us, pregnant or not! That would be an awful message to send out to the world if you were to fire her because she is pregnant! That's a natural part of life, having children as a woman! I'm in agreement with other women speaking out and having Weight Watchers use Jessica as a tool for others on healthy eating on the program while pregnant. That will keep her and baby healthy and hope to not get gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, et cetera. That's all part of maintaining a healthy weight loss program like Weight Watchers! I'll bet you will get more men and women joining if you used that angle to your benefit instead of throwing a tantrum about Jessica being pregnant again! If she gets fired for that, you will probably end up losing lots of participants on your program and new ones on the fence about the program. Think smart, Weight Watchers Execs!!!

  • Charlene - 10 years ago

    Stupid. Weight Watchers should be showing how a healthy diet while pregnant will show people how this works in both instances, while pregnant and after. And the excuse that they had to shoot pictures of her from the waist up because she didn't loose the weight fast enough, well that's the way it goes. Bodies loose at different rates. I see no problem.

  • Ohiocountrymouse - 10 years ago

    I would be disappointed if they fired her, I've used all the weight lost crape out there and have always gone back to weight watchers because it worked and healthy, I believed they really cared for me. BUT NOW I realize that it's just another business wanting my money. it would better to keep her and follow a REAL WOMAN and keep her healthy through a pregnancy and after to show it's not a diet it a healthy life style..

  • Beth - 10 years ago

    That's really stupid, they don't own her, she has a right to live her life and build her family. If anything her pregnancy is a selling point after the birth of her baby she can use weight watchers again to lose that weight. If a saw Jessica Simpson time after time have kids and bounce back with Weight Watchers I would more than likely use them. I have by the way, and it does work, so in the mean time they can use me as a spokes person, lol. in all seriousness it's how you look at it, perception is your reality this Colombian once told me. You can look at the glass half full or half empty. It would be their loss. Yes everyone is replaceable but that would make weight watchers look really bad. I would then switch to something else.

  • karela - 10 years ago

    It would be disgusting to fire Jessica for having a child. Period. I would lose all respect for a company that did that. In the real world, real people have another child. And deal with the weight gain post pregnancy. Why not make an entire ad campaign about gaining only the weight necessary for the health of the child during pregnancy. That could be a real benefit to American women. And Jessica could be a great example of that if she was willing. Most American women gain far too much weight during pregnancy. Does weight watchers have a program for maintaining healthy weight DURING pregnancy? And if they do, why haven't we ever heard of it? Make it a great new real woman campaign. But NO MORE TALK ABOUT BEING ANGRY OR FIRING A WOMAN FOR HAVING ANOTHER CHILD.

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