Some Members Of Congress Are Pushing For A Policy That WOuld Allow The President To Raise The Debt Ceiling Without Their Approval. Good Idea?


  • Carrie - 12 years ago

    I can't believe how this once Great Country is run now a days. It's disgusting. Obama is the biggest joke and Malloy is as big an Ah as they come. WHY don't we have these people thrown out of their positions???? I understand Obama was surprised he won re-election. Go figure....when you GIVE AWAY everything to 'those in need' of course you will be re-elected. I pray with all my heart Malloy is a one term Gov. , after he gets his busway to no where, Jackson Labs, his Lear jet, etc. How pathetic....

  • John - 12 years ago

    So- in other words, there's zero intention on the part of the gub'mint to address the problems that are the basis of our debt problem. Members of congress from BOTH PARTIES have demonstrated with their actions that not only do they NOT represent "the people", they have zero intention of doing so- except with the lip service they pay when the thing they need most- after our ever increasing tax money is sought- our vote. The pantomime negotiations are likely just to make us feel a little better about what is going to happen.

    The picture gets clearer and clearer with each passing day and it's part of a process whose course becomes more undeniable... cultivated paranoia among the masses over a host of demons presenting perils that only government can address- notwithstanding that it has shown itself to be supremely ineffectual in addressing- I've begun to see that as intentional- because problem solving isn't a priority with a body whose policies reflect a desire to exploit each crisis for the benefit of the bureaucracy and not its constituents.

    Fear is a powerful tool that is akin to the vanquished using their oppressor's weapon against themselves- agreeing to the incremental erosion of their rights as a means of protection from bogey men of many types.... terrorism has us agreeing to be treated like convicts being inducted into prison in order to feel more secure. The narrative of "guns causing violence" is intended to cultivate support for the removal of our second amendment right to bear arms. Overhear an innocuous conversation and report it to get another person included on a terror watch list. Say or write the wrong word choice and be the subject of investigation- goodbye free speech. Evil capitalism is the grist for a government takeover of the economy- which seems to be well underway- goodbye free market economy.

    The fabled fiscal cliff is yet another such bogey man... with the choices we're presented with being either gut safety net programs or cede a further measure of our economic sovereignty to the Chinese.... what about the so-called wasteful spending of our state and federal governments- are we supposed to forget that amid the choreographed distraction? How about the issue of public sector unions progressively "negotiating" unsustainable contracts that will be footed by the next generation of taxpayers? What about the out of line salaries of public sector employees whose functions are often unnecessary and redundant? This type of unchecked growth is sapping private sector capital which is needed to help the economy and foster job growth- but clearly the government wants nothing to do with that.

    Instead we hear about millionaires getting tax breaks and all other manner of demagoguery to get support for increased taxes... the problem is that those "evil rich" have the means to move assets from oppressive taxation- leaving the REAL targets to foot the bill- the dwindling working class. And don't think that government doesn't understand this- they are among those evil rich- they know it all too well- as much as they know that we are incapable or unwilling to apply critical thought to the garbage coming from government and are not seeing the building blocks of tyranny that have been presented to us- and that we're being brainwashed into agreeing with through the tyrant's most effective weapon after propaganda- democracy.

  • RICH G - 12 years ago

    America is based on compromise, due diligence of hard work, and knowlege of what the people who elected politicians to office. It was not based on a royalty president making decisions for the country, if that was the case let's have a dictator and no congress...just think of the money we could save.

  • Lynn B. - 12 years ago

    Isn't that just what we need???

  • x-man - 12 years ago

    Hasn't there been a debt ceiling already in place for years. Despite being representatives of the people, it seems that elected officials take on an air of royality when they get into office, and the only rules that apply are the ones that suit them at the time, or the ones they make up!

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