What did you think of episode 7.11 "Do You See What I See?"?


  • samael - 12 years ago

    This episode felt like it was back to the good old Dexter...killing without complications..it was awkward to see two serial killers in love...but now...back to fear of the unknown. Of course there will be the fear of reprisal against Dexters secrets...he did spill them all.
    Dexter show rocks....try not to take such a big break between seasons...please.

  • Jenny G - 12 years ago

    This episode was awful & awesome @ the same time. Dexter was really great w/Hannah. Deb is such a controlling, jealous brat that, as usual, she had to get her way. Just as I love Dexter, even though he is a serial killer, I really liked Hannah too. Now what? She knows way too much about Dexter to just let her go off to jail & not expect fall out. After seeing the trailer for the season finale I'm not sure if things are awesome or awful. Since there will be one more season is he really going to be arrested. If we have to watch season 8 of Dexter in jail being analyzed I think I will break down. He deserves to be free & run w/Harrison off to wherever he wants...and have Hannah by his side while Deb & bitchy LaGuerta are left behind being beaten down by the press, brass, etc.

  • Clorice - 12 years ago

    Omg! Tonight's episode "do you see what I see" was amazing! I am sad for the finale next week. It's not enough, I need more! I hope there is a 8th season! I live and breath dexter!

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