Is the Enslavement Business Lesson Plan Offensive?


  • jk3555 - 12 years ago

    I'm sorry, I just don't understand what part of this exercise anyone could find useful or laudatory in any way. The school was teaching plans to enslave other human beings, to act in morally reprehensible ways both implicitly and explicitly (torture devices?!), to see people as a commodity and a currency. How does that make sense? Schools have not only an instructive but also a moral obligation to their students and to the parents who entrust their children to their care. I'm astounded by the attempts to defend this sort of absurd sociopathy.

  • Christine - 12 years ago

    I applaudthe creativity. teachersare obligatedtoengage students and show them multifaceted perspectives. the kids were shown the truth, wish does not obliterate the horror and seriousness of this tragedy.
    keiana is on point.
    robin, you make zero sense with each point. you'd have to do a lot of elaborating.

  • Andrea DeSormeau - 12 years ago

    As a woman and mother of two daughters I am aghast that the lesson was taught in this manner. Slavery does, indeed, exist in today's world and one of the most disturbing aspects of this lesson is the underlying assumption that people may be considered property. A hands-on real world lesson could be developed in which the costs and benefits of slavery were/are compared across slave owners, non-owners competing in business with owners, and the communities from which slaves were taken. Of course, such a curriculum requires a broad base of knowledge and a bit of compassion for fellow humans.
    Oh, wait. If we teach our children that even slaves are actually people and we should care about other's suffering, we make them less inclined to blindly commit war on others.

  • Adi - 12 years ago

    YES. Slavery is the worst treatment a human being can endour. The slave trade has also created a division between some of our brothers from the Carribean and West African. A lady once told me that we (Africans) sold their people and I told her, I am a third generation African, it pains me too. Let's think and ask this question, why the British didn't let our brothers and sisters from the Carribean read their history? Why? There was nothing like slave trade in Africa, our people were captured and chained. Can you chain somebody you bought? My advise is let us forgive and make good use of every opportunity put befor us.

  • Robin Johnson - 12 years ago

    It's an out rage and should be punishable by law,that Queen Elizabeth school and the Queen herself should be quite embarrased of this taken I believe it stems from the election and relection of Obama ppl need to move on with there lives and get a life. SMDH.

  • Robin Johnson - 12 years ago

    It's an out rage and should be punishable by law,that Queen Elizabeth school and the Queen herself should be quite embarrased of this taken I believe it stems from the election and relection of Obama ppl need to move on with there lives and get a life. SMDH.

  • Sammie Ferrell - 12 years ago

    this is a hard question to answer. I agree with Keiana Burch but is it worth the possible harm it could do? Yes it gets the students to think about the dangers of slavery and that is a good thing. But it gets the students to think about how something like this process can be applied to other parts of life. Not good can come of this teaching too. That should have been considered in addition to the possible avantages of teaching this subject from this point of view.
    No I don't believe that teaches should be so restricted in their teaching methods that this type of creativity could be curtailed but how to keep things from going in a bad direction, I don't know the answer to that.

  • Keiana Burch - 12 years ago

    Yes, slavery was one of the most savage inventions of human kind, however learning about slavery through real like exercise, to a certain extent, is a perfectly good way to understand the economic and moral behind the business. This will help the children understand those terrible thing from an unique prespective, instead of just the "shaking your head in horror" type of learning that children are experienced with. Also, since their are still forms of slavery remaining in this world, its relevant to the times.

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