Do you think Zoel Kennedy is a homewrecker?


  • Rich - 11 years ago

    Geoff is the homewrecker. He knew he was married, has children & had a high profile job so he should've taken measures to prevent destroying all of that by not starting conversations to begin with. Amazes me that a person would do things that put his life in jeopardy but blame someone else when his actions get exposed & blame that person for his consequences. Zoel ruined her own life but isn't responsible for ruining Geoff's.

  • Babs - 12 years ago

    Who cares!! They are 2 adults texting each other and I can't figure out WHY this is such a big deal. He probably can't be open with his wife because she is some goody 2 shoe and these are the things he likes to do. Yes he should not of been saying this stuff to another woman because he is married but Zoel is not married and can talk like that to whoever she wants, she IS an adult. They both are not dead down there. We make such a big deal out of nothing. If either one of them had been saying this stuff to a child, then we'd have a crime. But people, THESE ARE 2 CONSENTING ADULTS SO WHO CARES. Why can't people mind their own business and worry about themselves. Next time pick up the phone because anything you say on the Internet, stays on the Internet.

  • Colleen - 12 years ago

    I don't feel sorry for either one they both are adults... for every action there is consequences afterwards. All anyone could do at this time is pray for both of them. I liked in the past to watch Mr. Fox on the news channel.

  • sonja - 12 years ago

    If I understand correct this was just a conversation between two adults they never met.people this sounds like a fantasy convo on both ends maybe this is what he should have been saying at alot of married men they live two lives one this upstanding husband/father/upstanding church going man and the other a real freak. Sounds like he used this social network to explore his freaky side
    At least he's not a child molester or rapest. He's a grown man and she's a grown woman.

  • sonja - 12 years ago

    If I understand correct this was just a conversation between two adults they never met.people this sounds like a fantasy convo on both ends maybe this is what he should have been saying at alot of married men they live two lives one this upstanding husband/father/upstanding church going man and the other a real freak. Sounds like he used this social network to explore his freaky side
    At least he's not a child molester or rapest. He's a grown man and she's a grown woman.

  • carmen - 12 years ago

    They both did it for attention. Both are sad.

  • KELLY - 12 years ago


  • candyma62 - 12 years ago

    i don't think she is a home wrecker he knew what he has at home and he knew how far to go with this conversation, nobody held a gun to his head. He knows what kind of job he has and he is always going to be in the public's eyes. so he should have never posted any of that stuff. and if he did not know her at all he should have never wrote any of that he didn't know who she was, she could have been a cop or something trying to catch people online talking like that so he brought all of that on himself. Next time he with think before he start posting cause now he mess up his whole life.

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