In The Interest Of Transparency, Would You Like To See The "Fiscal Cliff" Negotiations Televised?


  • John - 12 years ago

    Our government refuses to spend within its means. The overall debt now totals $16 trillion and is increasing at a daily rate of $4.8 billion... that adds up to over $5,600.00 per year per person as of the 2010 census... an annual increase of 1.75 trillion. President Demagogue claims that all they are going to need to do is raise taxes on the rich- but he can't possibly believe that... without putting one red cent toward the accumulated debt it would take 36% of total taxable income of EVERYBODY (at 2009 income levels), and NOT just the richest 1 or 2% just to pay off what is currently being borrowed- income has not gone up since then so the percent will be the same- at BEST... and Obama's liberal run government has already asserted that it will not cut spending... none of the plans- not Treasodent Obama's and not the house Speaker's would address our deficit in any meaningful way- both the administration as well as the republicans know this.

    Again, they would need to tax US ALL an additional 36% just to keep up with what is currently being borrowed- doing nothing... zero- zip- nada... about the total deficit.

    The whole "debate" and "impasse" theatrics is intended as any attempt to address the issue but to create in the minds of us simpleton voters that one side or the other is to blame for what BOTH know is coming down the pike... and by their very actions (or lack thereof) they show that they couldn't possibly be less interested in doing anything about it.

    By the way, calling out people who demonstrate an ability to employ critical thought as "crazy" plays right into the hands of those who are working to pull the wool over our eyes. Relying solely on mainstream media for information and news is akin to drinking from the party punch bowl filled with "the stupid"- which has proven more than effective in numbing greater minds than any of ours.

  • Mel - 12 years ago

    I would like to see a repoter actually do their job and ask any congressman, seantor or the president, why they aren't reducing spending instead of always asking the taxpayer for more and more? also ask why there hasn't been a budget from the Senate in 3 years...

  • Punctual Pete - 12 years ago

    It is clear now that the Bush tax cuts will expire with no action by Congress or Obama.

    Televising the discussions would impede them. Consider your behavior if you knew you were on camera.

    Aside from broadcasts, important matters to disclose would be lists of proposals, dated and signed, by each party to the negotiations, including Boehner, Obama, Reid and anyone else who has chimed in on the matter. I do not trust the Main Stream Media to report on them without censoring certain details adverse to the cause of the Dems.

    Seeing that MSNBC is a media outlet, I would like to see the actual discussions between Obama, Sharpton, Mathews, and Maddow. I'm almost certain that none of it was provided to the other media outlets, per MSNBC's choice. Correct me if I am wrong.

    Sarah needs to take a long look in the mirror after her vapid and vacuous comment about other posters who are offering well-supported opinions and facts. Insulting other people is pervasive with many liberals who cannot reply to facts and logic.

  • Sarah - 12 years ago

    Apparently the posters have been drinking the Crazy, people that write that much as usually so struck on their opinion that they cannot hear how insane they sound...

  • MZH - 12 years ago

    Yes, as a taxpayer - I'd like the negotiations televised - so we can see just who it is that isn't negotiating in good faith... instead of being told, by Jay Carney, while he dodges and weaves his way around answering legitimate questions (few that they may be) that are asked by "journalists" of the White House press corps.

    As a taxpayer - I'd like to know why I have to follow a budget - and the Senate doesn't even have to have one?!

    And, as a taxpayer - I'd like to know why Harry Reid, who is suppose to be a representative of ALL the American people, is allowed to shelve viable bills proposed by Congress - and none of his constituents even raise a whimper, let alone a voice.

    Oh - and also - as a taxpayer - I'd like to know why my money is being spent on grants for such things as - robotic squirrels?!! At a time when everyone is being asked to tighten their belts (if they even have a belt!) - we're piddling money away ....

  • John - 12 years ago

    The negotiators are playing to their lap dogs in the MSM anyway- but I think it would be very useful for people to see just how stupid our elected officials take us to be- but apart from that the concept of "transparency" would not be addressed as we are being led to believe.

    The intent seems to be to establish precedence for blaming the opposition during the '14 and '16 election cycles for the fallout that neither side seems to have any intention of avoiding. Over the past 12 years the political establishment has been used to deliver our economic sovereignty to the likes of the Chinese while an ongoing series of incidents have been played into crises and used as justification for the permanent and incremental erosion of our freedoms

    The mess that we're in is greatly exacerbated by the slow economy- which was precipitated by willful refusal of congress to regulate derivatives- dating back to the late '90's when the first warnings of the toxic housing bubble were sounded. The response by Greenspan and others was first to threaten the career of the regulator who expressed concern then to pass a temporary moratorium on regulation- which suggests that the whole mess was purposefully enabled by our government. To blame investors and banks for the collapse is a bit like dropping an injured lamb in a pen with a pack of hungry wolves then calling the wolves evil for killing and eating the stricken animal.

    Now, we have state sponsored domestic demagoguery whipping up class warfare hatred for the metaphorical wolves in support of the notion that all our problems will be solved by increasing the taxes of only the rich- notwithstanding that those oh so maligned rich have the means of moving assets out from under punitive taxes- leaving the REAL TARGETS of the new taxes to pay up- the working class.... and no one understands this better than government- because its members are among those evil rich... including our Treasodent demogogue-in-chief Obama.

    The only transparency at play is that which allows us sheep to see more clearly what our government wants us to see. We are being brainwashed into supporting- even demanding- the destruction of the very system that would economically sustain us... this whole "fiscal cliff" issue is just a chapter in that. There is not now nor will there aver be any real transparency.

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