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How many full inspections, including both truck and driver inspections in the total, do you average in a year? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 175
1 Comment

  • jade - 12 years ago

    I am a full time hot shot owner operator and the dot admits to me that they like inspecting the hot shot rigs. I had so many of those inspection stickers on my window with all that glue residue left on the window. Those officers need to be respectful of people's rigs. How would they like it if i/we put a bunch of stickers all over their personal vehicle. Oh my bad they ride around in a tax payers vehicle. Do the dot officers really need to do 180's in the road to put hot pursuit on someone that is not violating the law in any way? They get up to your vehicle and ask you how about a lil inspection. Give me a break already, how about not. Why don't you chase down a log truck or an overloaded dump truck. Those trucks are always moving violations.

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