What did you think of the Dexter Season 7 Finale - episode 7.12 "Surprise, Motherf**ker!"?


  • chris - 12 years ago

    Bill, u HAVE to be a troll. Probably a Vampire Diaries fan who thinks all other shows are bad. Because this was more than a return to form for Dexter. It was a revelation! It was the new best season of Dexter. Oh, and as for the other post ith the idea, no way would the writers EVER write your version of events but after reading Bills comment, it was nice to read a real fans opinion.

  • chris - 12 years ago

    Bill, u HAVE to be a troll. Probably a Vampire Diaries fan who thinks all other shows are bad. Because this was more than a return to form for Dexter. It was a revelation! It was the new best season of Dexter. Oh, and as for the other post ith the idea, no way would the writers EVER write your version of events but after reading Bills comment, it was nice to read a real fans opinion.

  • Bill - 12 years ago

    This whole year has been unconvincing. The whole Hanna thing was terribly done. But, I see the need for her to set up Dexter's inevitable death. Debra also, needs to die. In this day and age there is little hope for escape to a remote corner of the world. And who would Dexter kill then. Possibly, Hanna will poison them both.

  • dave d - 12 years ago

    Thought the episode was great. Had a way I really wanted the show to end though. Had this idea that I wanted Dexter to actually get arrested by laGuerta who thinks she has done a great thing by catching dexter. While on trial a serial killer emerges in Miami that they can't seem to catch but is making a lot of kills. LaGuerta is all but sure of the killer but can't mount enough evidence. He ends up killing some one she loves, possibly Batista. She starts to almost blame herself for his death after Dexter tells her he had been stalking that killer before he was arrested. Also during the trial it comes out that dexter fudged reports so that he could go after the people himself. This leads to all the convicts that Dexter did the blood work for now repealing their cases saying that the blood work must be thrown out. This leaves LaGuerta and the rest of the city almost wishing Dexter had never been caught and feeling like he in his own way is a Hero. After a lengthy and very public trial the verdict on Dexters trail is that he should get the death penalty. This leaves the whole city questioning the legal system that just let out a bunch of convicted killers and put to death the only one that had been protecting their city. By ending the show this way it would have made a lot of interesting points about our legal system where the truly evil run free via loopholes and if anything is done outside the law to stop them then that person may actually get arrested. Dexter gets the death penalty proving that our legal system thinks its fine to kill someone they have proven to be evil even if that person kills only proven evil. Now that laGuerta is dead it can't really happen like this, but I still think a trail would be awesome to see and him getting the death penalty would an awesome final scene to the series. What I really think will happen is Deb goes off the deep end and her and Dexter will end up getting together or something and then Hannah ends up killing Deb and Harrison. In a fit of Rage dexter kills Hannah leaving him truly alone. Dexter end up making his own kill room realizing that even though he only kills bad people it doesn't mean he wasn't the reason that all his loved ones died and the final scene is him plunging the knife into his chest. Just had to get those ideas off my chest if you made it all the way through let me know what you think.

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