Do we need stricter gun control laws?


  • Ken Bensen - 11 years ago

    To you gun lovers. If you have guns in your home and locked up for security as you are supposed to do, what are you going to do if an intruder breaks in? Are you going to say, wait until a unlock my gun case so I can protect myself!! And what in the world do you need a fifty cartrige magazine for your automatic rife? If you are a sportsman do you plan to fire off the whole magazine on an elk or deer? If your a target shooting buff, why do you need such a magazine? Also the NRA wields way to much power and influence on money hungry polititians. The second amendment was never written to protect all of you who are abusing the intent.

  • Richard Herb - 12 years ago

    When the politicians give up tax payer secret service protection, when celebrities pass up the private security guards, when the "Chicago style felon" says no more violence, when Hollywood acknowledges that 50 years of increasing graphic death and mayhem are equally guilty, then I will talk gun control rationally.

  • Deanna Aylor - 12 years ago

    Maybe they need to be looking at Hollywood. You can't even turn on the TV without seeing violence. Movies, sitcoms everyday tv. Maybe they need to ban vidieo games. It's not the guns killing people, it's people killing people. Anyone that can do that to another human being, especially little innocent kids, there is already something wrong in thier head. Stricter gun control is not the answer.

  • Eric - 12 years ago

    Between state and federal, there are already thousands of gun control laws on the books - some sources say as many as 20,000! New laws will mean nothing without enforcement of existing laws. We must also consider what happened in Australia after their firearm bans of the late 90's. I will not quote numbers here, but the rates of violent and sex crimes have increased significantly since the ban went into effect.

  • Vince Smith - 12 years ago

    What we need to do is make it mandatory for purchasers of the ammunition to have to sign for it and be limit the amount of ammo that can be bought. If this gum person or anyone making purchases of ammo are not allowed to get without signing for it what is a person going to do with an empty gun? These large numbers of dead will not exist. It is more important that if a person is going to go hunting practice is fine for such purposes as well as going hunting. However this issue of not making people sign for the purpose of buying ammo is stupid and unresponsible Im a gun person and thats the way I feel.

  • Bob Johnson - 12 years ago

    So let me get this straight, we legalize Pot, and are trying to ban guns, all in the same week. How jacked up is our society becoming?

  • Matt Carlson - 12 years ago

    A criminal can always get the guns they desire, even if they were outlawed totaly. It's of no concern if used for recreation, sport or security. Don't punish the law abiding citicen's.
    Thank You

  • Joel Woodford - 12 years ago

    We need to screen kids for mental health early , you can guns away and these freaks will still get them ! Cocaine is illegal but people still find it ! Don't punish everyone please ? !!!!

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