Should the government create, as the NRA proposes, an "active database of the mentally ill"?


  • Carl - 12 years ago

    If you allow the government to create a database of the mentally ill; Eventually all gun owners will become part of that database. We have our left wing liberal hack's to thank for the exploitation of every crisis.

  • Pat - 12 years ago

    That posting of who has a gun just helped all those criminals who need a gun find one. You can thank the people that don't know anything about guns for that brilliant act. Most people don't brag about there guns and probley will never have to use it on a criminal, but now with this listing of names in the paper, lets see if the paper does another story about the break-ins and theft of guns of the names they listed in the paper.

  • Roger - 12 years ago

    These polls are from the MORONS that printed a map showing the registered gun owners in the area, thereby showing the home owners that do NOT have guns to defend their homes and families.
    By putting hundreds of thousands in danger of rape, assault, robbery, and murder, they "think" they somehow made a "point" on gun control?

  • Ken - 12 years ago

    A database joining mental health and criminal records would be a good thing .

    Would the media, like Gannett Lohud then have the balls to publish that database as well as that of registered gun owners?

  • Hank Miller Sr. - 12 years ago

    There have been several efforts to get mental health and criminal records joined at the National level - FOR YEARS. Why hasn't it been successful? Because of high dollar lobbying against it by the NRA !!!

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