Do You Think Spike Lee Is Right?


  • saintsdiva - 12 years ago

    M,aybe he is upset because he didn't think of idea!

  • Monica - 12 years ago

    How can we compare Spike's depictions of the struggles in black communities with this film. When Spike does has a character that is a crackhead or whatever else, he shows the characters entire humanity. I understand why he is upset. Blacks often only get caricature roles in major films like Django and Tyler Perry. It's sad that such an important topic in our history doesn't gets more serious look. It would better if there was balance, but Django should not be the only film that some young people might see to learn about slavery. I would feel better if Frederick Douglass could have been in Lincoln. By all means, he should have had a major role if it was a true depiction of the facts. Again, it the imbalance that bothers me most.

  • RDW - 12 years ago

    Spike seems to have a problem with everyone's work but his own. Remember his comments about Tyler Perry's movies? I probably won't see this movie either, but it will be because I just can't take Leonardo DiCaprio seriously as a villain. Keep your hater ade, Spike!

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