Best Comic Book Moment 2012
Captain America becomes President of the United States of America in "Ultimates"
Ninjak meets "X-O Manowar"
Slash appears in "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"
"Before Watchmen" launches with success
Superman & Wonder Woman smooch in "Justice League" #12
Wonder Woman and Batwoman team up in "Batwoman" #13
Captain America vs Cyclops in "Avengers vs X-Men"
"Chew" #30
"Saga" -- All of it
The Guardians going insane in "Green Lantern"
"Superman" quits the Daily Planet
Those giant, disfigured monster balls in "Saga" #7
The Joker's return in "Death of the Family"
The return of "Hellboy"
Doctor Octopus switching minds with Spider-Man in "Amazing Spider-Man"
"The Walking Dead" #100
Rick Remender's final issue of "Uncanny X-Force"
Captain Picard enters a TARDIS in "Star Trek/Doctor Who: Assimilation2"
The return of "Captain Marvel"
The shocking deaths in the final issues of Garth Ennis' "The Boys"
Krypto returns to Superman in "Action Comics" #13
Everything that happened in "The Goon" #39
"Scalped" #60
AoA Nightcrawler *BAMF*ing a shark inside the Blob in "Uncanny X-Force"
The 616 Marvel Universe clashes with the Ultimate Universe for the first time in "Spider-Men"
Archangel's vicious attacks on his teammates in "Uncanny X-Force"
Bat-Cow from "Batman Incorporated"
"Hawkeye" in the nude
Jackal executing a decapitation, then excreting down the victim's neck in "The Victories"
Beast bringing the original X-Men to the present day in "All New X-Men"
Baldy & Shorty's origin revealed in "Skullkickers"
Dark Phoenix Cyclops kills Charles Xavier in "Avengers vs X-Men"
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