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What source of omega-3 fatty acids do you prefer?

Total Votes: 366

  • Rebecca - 11 years ago

    My husband and I regularly eat wild Alaskan salmon. Additionally, we eat sardines, walnuts and flax seed. On top of trying to eat healthy, we also take supplements. I totally agree with the comment above that omega 3's help dry skin and hair. I was also able to eliminate any kind of pharmaceutical drug to combat arthritis pain since I began eating/taking omega 3's. They are wonderful for the body...and the mind!

  • Rebecca - 11 years ago

    My husband and I regularly eat wild Alaskan salmon. Additionally, we eat sardines, walnuts and flax seed. On top of trying to eat healthy, we also take supplements. I totally agree with the comment above that omega 3's help dry skin and hair. I was also able to eliminate any knid of pharmaceutical drug to combat arthritis pain since I began eating/taking omega 3's. They are wonderful for the body...and the mind!

  • vee - 11 years ago

    I chose sardines, because I'm learning to appreciate them. However I take supplements, add flax to the weekly whole grain bread I make and enjoy walnuts or salmon from time to time. My real answer is yes.

  • Marsha - 11 years ago

    I chose Wild Alaskan Salmon, but I also put 2T. of ground organic flaxseed in my oatmeal(with cinnamon) every morning. Also, a few days a week I eat walnuts. Since adding these three foods to my diet I no longer have excessively dry skin. I use about a tenth of the lotion now that I used in the past.

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