Where does the fault lie when pit bulls attack?


  • josh p - 12 years ago

    i dont think it is right banding one breed of animal just because of some little insidents like its not the dogs fault its the owners fault for training them to be mean. any animal can be good u just have to train them to be good like this is really stupid whats next there going to band cats for scraching someone like come on people use your head and think about it dont band a bread of animal just because its did something rong. everyone screws up every once and a while but we learn from are mistakes just like they will like other then this insadent thows dogs are very friendly animals

  • brent - 12 years ago

    Wow, it's very interesting to see that currently 50% of poll respondents are in favour of banning the pitbull in Calgary, yet this poll currently shows that 24% of poll respondents believing it is the breed of dog, not the owner. If we assume the same people responded to each poll, what the frick do these polls tell us? I think it confirms to me that 26% of poll respondents are morons.

  • Angelica - 12 years ago

    Wow, some people are just plain narrow minded, which is sad! I have a pit but, and have no problems what so ever. My mother has a shih tzu that i now take care of that bit me twice! Shall we band shih tzus now?? Stupid people, all dogs bite!

  • Pascal - 12 years ago

    More dangerous breed needs to pay a much higher, mandatory insurance premium. If the dog is proven to be more dangerous (more biting incident), why not increase their premium? Why re-invent the wheel? We do not ban a reckless male teenager driving a red ferrari on the street, we just make sure they pay for it if anything happens.

  • Scott Richer - 12 years ago

    200 yrs worth of selectively breeding pit bulls and other gripping dogs for their combative functions within their intended purpose's, Says its both !!!
    The Owners (both good and bad) seemingly have different perceptions of what the dog is. The "Bad" have a pretty good idea of what the dog is, and most use these dogs to support an image, or use it for violent sport and intimidation. The "Good" make claims the dog is anything but, and make attempts at placing the dog into situations it doesn't belong.
    The Pit bull Dog has a long and well documented history, providing facts and evidence as to why they more so than other dogs, behave in such a manner !!!! They have a breed specific propensity to do so, And WE (mankind) did that.
    Its time we STOP blaming either or, And we START accepting the obvious as to WHY ????

  • bruno - 12 years ago

    " Where does the fault lie when pit bulls attack? "

    Squarely with the lame stream media that is reporting it innaccurately

  • Carol - 12 years ago

    May I also add that my Son's pitbulls are very mellow and well trained...this particular dog is alway's roaming and barking at other dog's and owner's WITH a leash as they go for a walk....dobberman's etc. We have learned that because of false accusation's agaist the Pitbull we have to be extra carefull ....... other dog's seemed to have escaped this label??????

  • Carol - 12 years ago

    I find this ridiculous. First of all the pitbulls where on a leash....the other Dog's NOT! My Son has two pitbull's and one evening while visiting with his dog's he went to leave but could not as the neighbour's terrier was running loose, to make a long story short I had to catch the terrier and take it to their door so my son could leave with his two pitbull's on leash's. This poll is very unfair and not worded correctly...it gives no vote for the pitbull's!

  • Angie - 12 years ago

    How did this story get so screwed up. The pit bulls were not in the off leash park they were outside of it. They were provoked 1st, why was the owner of the other dogs not in control of his dogs. I just love the way media can turn a story around,

  • Andrew - 12 years ago

    Pit bull is not a breed of dog, or a type (i.e. terrier, retriever) of dog. We are talking about the American Pit Bull Terrier or the American Staffordshire Terrier. The three 'attcking' dogs in question were not in the dog park they were being walked past the park on the sidewalk on leashes, a fact alot of news outlets are ignoring. They were charged by at the Great Pyraneese who bit one of them on the snout. The Pomeranian was also involved, and there was a third dog, a Boxer which news outlets have chosen to not even mention. Prohibition does not work. Look at the failure in Denver and the thousands of companion dogs taken from their homes and destroyed needlessly. Learn from the mistakes of the past, BSL does not work.

  • Diane - 12 years ago

    Enough already with these ridiculous pitbull polls. Don't you have some real news to report? For the record, I don't own a dog but have had lots of contact with pitbulls. They are wonderful, gentle & obedient dogs.

  • Colin - 12 years ago

    I'm VERY happy to see the kind of responses here. Being an owner of 3 pitbulls and a wolf myself, I've been watching this all morning and have been absolutely disgusted with the number of people calling for a breed ban. While it's incredibly sad that the Pom had to be put down, and that the little girl ended up with a bite, if another dog or dogs charge my pack while they're walking with me and they DON'T defend themselves and me, I consider that a big fail. I certainly don't have pits for the status, that's beyond ridiculous! but they are a dog and as with all dogs of any breed, if they start snapping, do NOT put your hand in the middle of it... I learned that early on in life when my golden retriever was protecting me from a small dog who was charging me.

  • Shelina - 12 years ago

    This is a terrible poll. When you take any dog to a dog park you are suppose to have your dog under control at all times and if your dog starts acting up leave the park. You should only be taking as many dogs as you can handle. In my opinion Pit bulls are a beautiful breed but they are also a very strong breed. I see many people having a hard time handling one pit bull on their own i cant imagine how someone could think that they could handle more then one on their own. Even if the pit bull is a well mannered dog if anything happened where something really bothered it or scared it, it will do what it can to protect its self. When you add another dog to it you create a pack and the pack will protect each other. As for the Pomeranian it must not have had very good socialization skills if its running up to other dogs getting in their space. I'm not sure how the other dog got involved but if it was like the pit bulls the other dog was trying to help the Pomeranian. I believe that both the owners at at fault for not having proper control over their dogs and taking more dogs then they can handle. Why were the kids walking the dogs without an adult in the first place? People need to smarten up about the care of their animals and everyone else.

  • Paul - 12 years ago

    This poll question is as poorly (and irresponsibly) composed as the headline; The Herald should be ashamed of both. It's not as simple as either the owner or the breed. Walking pitbulls at an off leash park is not illegal, however, having a dog who does not respond to recall is, and can attract a fine. The owner walking the other 2 dogs should have had them under control. I feel for the family who lost a dog, and for the girl who got bitten. That said, reaching in between dogs who are being aggressive is also a mistake.

  • Bryan - 12 years ago

    I agree with Glenn. Why don't you post a poll "who's to blame when pomeranians attack?"

  • Glenn - 12 years ago

    I don't like your poll question for this story. The pit bulls didn't "attack" so much as "defend". The story says the off leash dog's charged over at the pit bulls. Every story about pit bulls is framed this way, whether the pit bulls are to blame or not, it is setup to get people to want pit bulls banned. Every poll question is the same until a story hits home and converts another to the authoritarian dog rules of Ontario and Winnipeg.

  • Glenn - 12 years ago

    I think the owner deserves alot of blame in this case (if not full blame). I owned a pibull for 15 years and they are a great breed. However, unless trained to be social dog's they do not get along with other animals (they love people unless trained not to). The owner should know how his and his friends dogs will act around other dog's. Taking a group of pitbulls to an off leash area (even on a leash) is not smart. It is hard to control 1 pitbull, let alone 3. I stopped trying to take my pitbull to the offleash area simply because all the other dog's would come running over to play or wrestle and my dog would get defensive. So I only ever walked him on the streets where all dog's must be leashed and he never had a problem.

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