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Did you get a flu shot this season?

Total Votes: 2,766

  • BN - 11 years ago

    And I can't understand anyone accepting the risks of getting a "FREE" vaccine. First of all... it comes at a huge cost... it's far from free. The healthcare costs are paid by all of us...
    And the risks associated with vaccines is too high for me. The vaccines are produced about a year in advance, anticipating the details of the flu string.
    And... are the producers still putting mercury in these vaccines ? Do we know what's in them in the first place ?
    And... if they're so safe, why would the public have to sign a waiver ?
    And why does the majority of our Alberta Health Care professionals chose not to get vaccinated ?
    And... of all the people who are in the hospital right now with flu symptoms... is anyone keeping track whether these people got the vaccine or not ? I'd REALLY like to see those results...
    Unless someone can provide me answers to these questions, I ain't gettin' one...

  • Mary Buchanan - 11 years ago

    I can't understand anyone who chooses to risk getting ill, maybe extremely, rather than have a free 'flu vaccination!

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