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Do you think people who bring frivolous lawsuits should be forced to pay all the court costs incurred by the taxpayers?


  • caleb look - 12 years ago

    bubba had it from day one.the 1 with the dick fro needs to pay and he needss to do it before michelle takes half!!!!

  • chez masshole - 12 years ago

    oh gawd.

  • steve - 12 years ago

    Ned rules

  • Kent>>>>SOUTH TAMPA - 12 years ago

    Bubba and crew, I can't believe the bull shiot Todd ( chia pet head ) put you and your fans through. I have been a fan for several years and will continue to do so>>> phoque the little crying bitch. Hey chia pet head.....Schnit......... go phoque yourself. Peace guys. PS>>> how can I get a hold of the black man and robin skits. Can not locate. Laterz.

  • while u were sleeping - 12 years ago

    Some people i understand don't know why some of us pay taxes so here's a clue. Judicial, education, infrastructure ,freakin well fair. Think about this, if you dumb asses want to be angry with someone be angry at the losers who's really wasting tax payer dollars. How about those fine upstanding citizens who sell their childrens food stamps for drug money or the great people who's riding the well fair train till it runs off the tracks because they are to lazy to even try to find a job because their shity life is everybody elses falt or hey the champs who's filling unemployment and working under the table, hey even better the people who fills taxes and gets back 10 times what they paid in because they are filling their cousins children and evryone elses they can round. Now someone who acctually pays taxes and does't take from the system but contributes feels he needs to use the courts i say hell yeah you've earned it. As far as some over wieght shock jock who thinks he's the new Howard Stern but acctually could'nt hold the toilet seat up for him goes that's who you people should blame cause all he is, is a jealouse fat man try'n to ride someone elses coat tails to the top cause they can't do it on their own.

  • Michael Kapono - 12 years ago

    Awsome Bubba, congradulations ! I cant believe that richard simmons look alike thought he had chance. I cant wait to hear what you have to say about this on your show this morning.

  • steve Hammons - 12 years ago

    MJ was grasping at straws. His career is clearly over and he was trying to get one last check. He was awful on the radio, to me, and he can't seem to get out of his own way. His ego is definetly bigger then he is.

  • Denise - 12 years ago

    Bubba should pay, he is the one that is the bully and his lawyers are the one that setup MJ's lawyer!!!!!!!!

  • Kawickrice - 12 years ago

    I hope Schnitt cry's when he writes that check for Bubba's defense.

  • Dave - 12 years ago

    Man calling is a part of life. I'm sorry but MJ and his morning crew sucked where are they now????AM radio WOW way to move up.

  • Jeff - 12 years ago

    What do we have to do to get this passed into law..

  • leena - 12 years ago

    Why was the staff member having drinks with the "dark side"

  • donny - 12 years ago

    I can't believe that anyone who comes to this website and/or,has common sense, would even consider a vote against the person who comes up with these frivolous law suits, to be responsible.

  • drew - 12 years ago

    the only one that should pay is the dumbass that let the suit get to court

  • Sean - 12 years ago

    Somebody got sand in their vagina... And an "alleged" drunk lawyer lmao

  • Ben - 12 years ago

    This whole thing is ridiculous. MJ grow up. You make fun of people all the time. Grow up and get over it. You lost. Bubba and his crew are better and more talented. Man your are such a douche.

  • Real - 12 years ago

    The 3 percent who voted no must be MJ and his fans

  • Ed - 12 years ago

    Schitt is a joke. Who is the short kid sitting next to Michelle?

  • Katie - 12 years ago

    Maybe you shouldn't put other people's business on the radio... It effects more people than you think...

  • mary - 12 years ago

    I loved that show but always thought Fester should of ran it. MJ is a total AHOLE. just saying hope he does'nt sue me. LOL

  • lisa - 12 years ago

    This trial is absolute BS'........what a waste of everyone's time!!

  • justin - 12 years ago

    Todd schnitt sucks balls

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