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Will threats from the far-right derail the president's sensible gun reforms?

Total Votes: 2,157

  • Freedomisfading - 12 years ago

    I have watched MSNBC since it went on the air. It has become anything but "fair and balanced" as is often a point of criticism you have with FOX. Regarding the gun control rants, instead of repeatedly adopting a one side only broadcast, at least mention the reasoning behind the opposing view. I am a liberal who has supported Obama twice, am at the far left of Obama (who is more Republican than either of the Bush presidents, as well as Reagan), and have firearms in my house (no assault rifles). Of the millions of assault rifles and large clip weapons, their use in multiple death incidents is a mere fraction. In discussing the second amendment, Thomas Jefferson noted that it was important to protect against governmental tyranny. The driving force behind people who purchase "assault weapons" is to protect themselves and their families from the chaos resulting from a breakdown of social order, which is not "crazy" in light of the increasing class divide; also, a real fear of the coming of a Police State. Our intelligence apparatus rivals the old Soviet KGB and the East German Stassi. Only Rachel Maddow has come close to having a real debate on the erosion of civil liberties since the enactment of the Patriot Act and its progeny, even then there is nothing indepth. Where is the concern on your part? Consider Obama's insistence on a four year extension (instead of two years) of the Patriot Act, particularly the "lone wolf" provision--which makes every American a potential threat--as defined by some executive branch bureaucrat, the warrantless access to our bank accounts, the books we buy or check out from a library, the websites we visit. Consider also the NDAA of 2012 with provisions (Title X, Subtitle D, sections 1021, 1022) included under threat of veto, which repeals the Posse Comitatus Act, suspend the Constitutional protections of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, chills speech and assembly under the First Amendment, invites restrictions on Second Amendment rights, allows for warrantless searches and seizures protected against under the Fourth Amendment, ignores the Fifth Amendment right against deprivation of liberty without due process of law, the Sixth Amendment right to public trial and assistance to counsel, allows the use of the military for arrest and indefinite detention of civilians without warrant based on probable cause, denies the right to counsel for such detainees and no right to inform relatives of the fate of such "disappeared," codifies extraordinary rendition of anyone the government deems to be a threat (lone wolf). Consider also the NDAA 2013 Feinstein "fix" which fails to mention rights protected under the Constitution; as well as the FISA amendments codifying blanket telephone and internet monitoring and intercept (1.7 billion per day). So, I believe these "crazies" you continue to belittle may have a valid concern as to where our country is headed and their genuine belief of tyranny from our own government. If any of these provisions cause you even a modicum of concern, then be "fair and balanced" and devote 10 minutes of a broadcast to at least discussing the concerns, even if you ultimately knock them down. As Justice Jackson noted in his dissent in Korematsu v. United States (WWII Japanese Interment case), (paraphrasing) the Court has no army to enforce its rulings and must depend on the executive branch's willingness to follow the rule of law, if it (POTUS) decides not to follow the Court's rulings then it is up to the people to be vigilant, because the abuse of law will stand as a "loaded gun" against the people.

    Please stop your shameless dismissal of those with views that do not fit the narrative of the day, and put some sunshine on the erosion of civil liberties in this country. Finally, the hypocracy of not calling out the murder of young children from drone attacks and kill lists while justifiably lamenting the senseless massacre of children in this country is deplorable.

  • Darron Johnson - 12 years ago

    I am a 51 year old white male with a BA in Criminal Justice and pursuing my MS degree. I have no political affiliation. I do however believe Mr. Obama is out of control with his use of Executive Orders when Congress is unwilling to vote in favor of his initiatives. He wants to control gun ownership by law abiding citizens while at the same time Eric Holder gives assault weapons to cartel members in Mexico. His threatened use of further E.O. in regards to the debt ceiling and immigration reflects actions of a dictator rather than a President. In regards to guns, please check the statistics to see how many acts of gun violence are committed by gun enthusiasts compared to acts of gun violence committed by individuals who have obtained their weapons fraudulently. The glorification of violence in this country is the problem that should be addressed and not the weapons used. Tonight is the first time I've watched your show and believe your level of rhetoric is equal to every other show. Greed and corruption run too deep in our government and with the power elite in this country for America to ever recover. I've been predicting a revolutionary uprising for a few years now and believe with each passing day it draws closer. Unfortunately there exists no justice or equality in this country let alone morals or ethics. Unfortunately this country's darkest days are ahead of us rather than behind us.

  • Adrienne Orlan - 12 years ago

    I am so tired of the CRAP and IGNORENCE that comes out of the mouthes of The Tea Party and Republicans and KKK and Red Necks and White Supremists ... This is a total of Ass H.... and it's just a minority. But the LIES and twists of laws and Constitution Rights , can make the Majority (me and you) worried. Is it time for Democrates to march and support and protest against the Idiots in our country? WE Voted, but that just shook the Bee Hive up. We should protest and put small business like the Juice guy in Vernal, Utah out of business. We support our President and everyone in America should have RESPECT for the WINNERS. (and down with the loosers)

  • Ticked Off - 12 years ago

    Currently there is no ban on assault weapons... congress would have to pass such... the executive branch enforces the laws (IT DOES NOT CREATE LAWS ON ITS OWN)... If Congress passes such legislation then and only then would I agree that the voices of the people (at least the most recent voices elected) have spoken... but for a president to use executive order to enact a LAW that limits in any way the rights granted by the constitution to me is quite telling... and where does it end... what if next year they (the executive branch) decides they don't want certain things being said by certain groups of people (a first amendment right) and enacts another executive order to "enforce" that edict...
    I'm sorry, but the way it works in our system of government is the Congress makes the laws, the executive branch enforces those laws, and the judicial branch interprets the laws (as to their constitutionality)...
    This freakin' cable channel is as bad as FOX, only on the left... I'm sick of your BS hype and onesided discussions... I'm educated (have PhD), so don't try to characterize me as some "non-educated" individual, but I don't think because some crazy SoB's murder innocent people that the anti-gun kooks should take advantage and try to push through taking defensive weapons from law-abiding citizens... A crazy person can easily kill scores of people using a vehicle in a crowded venue if they choose to... you gonna take away our cars (or maybe only certain cars)... those bigass SUVs that have enough mass and Hp to do real damage... maybe we we'll all end up driving glorified golf carts
    The fact of the matter is we have a lunatic fringe that WE need to quit turning a blind eye to and whenever someone (family member, friend, neighbor, etc) notices or has a gut feel that something is wrong (or may go wrong) they need to take action to help or intervene and quit pretending it will go solve itself...

  • John - 12 years ago

    I come from a rural West Virginia family and we always had guns around. Sensible guns a shotgun or two, bolt action rifles, my great uncle owned a store so he had a .38 revolver under the counter. He was the only person we knew who owned a handgun or side arm as he called it. These guns were a fact of life and were not considered some kind of political statement. We also had enough sense to keep them away from the little kids and anyone who wasn't right in the head. Gun safety wasn't a big issue it was just something you learned like how to drive or run the tractor. When you were old enough, Dad would show you what you needed to know so as not to hurt yourself or someone else. We all heard the story of the guy who shot himself while cleaning his gun and how the baby got killed when a loaded shotgun fell over. The moral , make sure the gun isn't loaded before cleaning or brining it in the house. We always thought it was illegal to own a machine gun, and besides, if you weren't in the Army what would you need one for. It's a real shame that we need all of this discussion just to get back to things we knew 60 years ago.

  • Max R Russell - 12 years ago

    Ran Paul is trying to stir up the radical and ignorant KY Red Necks in gathering support for his next election bid. Tea Party looney toons are out of touch and are drifting farther away from reality as time goes on. He failed to realize how he got elected. Poor turn out for one and an idiot he ran against that good as gave him the election. I hope he do a better job running for Governor than he did against Rand Paul.

  • Virginia Cowgirl - 12 years ago

    Hey Richard,

    FYI - 8 million people live in within the City Limits of the City of London, England and do you know how many people were killed in 2012 within the City Limits of London, England - EIGHT! Now you just need to think about that for a minute! Quitetly!

  • Richard - 12 years ago

    The Killings at Newtown have ignited our outrage and challenged us to act. Acting in a direction that has no basis in fact or bearing on the fundamental issues is a disservice to our nation and its people.
    Let’s also reminder ourselves that while the recent months have torn our hearts out from these shootings, that still – in America, more people have been killed each year by hammers and blunt objects than by rifles and assault rifles. Less than 350 people have been killed by any type of rifle in the US in the last year. A single death is one too many, yet there reaches a point where no amount of money or laws can make our world perfectly safe.
    For a moment, Let’s discuss the “if we can save just one life” position.
    I have said that myself and meant it. I was quickly reminded that passing a law that cars cannot go faster than 45 miles per hour would save more lives than making all guns in the US evaporate. Taking the money that was spent in Afghanistan and Iraq and placing it in our medical system would have saved tens of thousands of lives. Our society has to weigh the cost to all of “saving just one life”. As harsh as it sounds – such expenditures as the above illustrate that while it feels good to “save just one life”, we rarely can afford to do so. With regard to guns there are several studies that clearly demonstrate that guns in America save more lives than they take by a very large margin.
    So what is an enlightened “Anti-gun” President like me to do?
    Surely something must be done and can be done.
    Yes, indeed it can. And there are many opportunities.
    Here are the first steps my administration will take, with the same seriousness and fire that Kennedy had in challenging the US to place a man on the moon and return him safety to earth by the end of the century.
    Effective Immediately, Vice President Biden will:
    1.Meet with those who made our aircraft flight crews safer and will apply similar measures to making school classrooms and offices safer during lock down. Further, classrooms will be provided one or more escape doors so that our children are not forced to cower in a corner waiting to be shot when evil does arrive.

    2.Replicate the program that allowed qualified airline pilots to be certified for carrying a firearm by implementing a “when seconds count, the police are minutes away” program for qualified and interested school personnel. School personnel will not be law enforcement, just speed bumps in the road of a rampaging suspect, at worse buying additional time until police arrive.

    3.Create a National Awareness Campaign that focuses on three important areas:
    a.Mental Health
    b.Gun Safety
    c.The Dangers of violence in movies and video games

    4.Mental Health.
    a.We must have medical databases of mentally incapable persons to be added to the databases used to background check a gun purchase.
    I myself and surprised by the results of reviewing the aftermath of Newtown. At the same time, I cannot be more proud that we are on the path to meaningful safety improvements that would have made a difference in Newtown and will provide vast safety increases in the future. Passing gun laws #20,001 through #20,019 would have been the easiest way out.
    Making a difference in safety and our society is what is required.

    Write and call your senators and congressional representatives. Demand that they take meaningful actions described here and abandon the well-intentioned but misguided folly of restating an assault weapons and magazine ban that failed to deliver any value in its first ten years and will do nothing to increase our safety in the next. Please join me in supporting these important initiatives. Thank you, goodnight and god bless America.

  • Richard - 12 years ago

    Gun Free Zones
    Gun Free Zones are hunting preserves for innocent people. Period.
    Think about it. You are a violent, homicidal madman, looking to make a statement. You conclude that the best way to accomplish your goals is to kill a whole bunch of people. So where’s the best place to go shoot all these people? Obviously, it is someplace where nobody can shoot back.
    In all honesty I have no idea how we, for so long believed that Gun Free Zones actually work.
    An evil crazy person commit several dozen felonies, up to and including mass murder, and that person is go to refrain because there is a sign? That “No Guns Allowed” sign is not a cross that wards off vampires. It is wishful thinking. The only people who obey No Guns signs are people who obey the law. People who obey the law aren’t going on rampages.
    Can we ban what already exists in our Society?
    We are a nation of more than 350 Million guns and hundreds of millions of magazines.
    When we banned alcohol, consumption continued and alcohol remained available. When we declared a war on drugs, we spent Billions of dollars that could have been spent on schools, teachers and your towns and yet – any 8th grade student can still obtain any drug desired within days.
    If we cannot stop 10 Million people from walking illegally across our borders each year, how can we conclude we can ban any gun or magazine?
    In every city in America we have meth labs that require advanced science to formulate complex illegal drugs.
    Guns and Magazines are easier than meth to make.
    If the mountainous people of Pakistan and Afghanistan who often live in caves can make enough guns to fuel large gun markets, surely the American people are equally industrious and able to create a large black market for firearms.
    Assault Rifles.
    We know these are evil guns – just look at them! What I learned is that they aren’t functionally any more powerful or deadly than any normal gun. In fact, they ARE normal guns, dressed in black metal instead of wood but with the same trigger and barrels.
    In fact the cartridges they normally fire are far less powerful than your average deer hunting rifle.
    Bill Clinton and Diane Feinstein created the first assault weapons ban. First, they needed statistics to demonstrate the need for such a ban – there was no data… so they actually falsified the data to justify the ban. Second, after TEN YEARS of having an assault weapons ban, there was no measurable benefit and it was allowed to expire. Once expired, there was no measurable spike in assault rifle use.
    True, Assault Weapons typically accept magazines that hold more bullets than a hunting firearm, which we will discuss next.
    High Capacity Magazines
    The Clinton Assault Weapons Ban banned the production of all magazines over ten rounds except those marked for military or law enforcement use..
    Over the ten years of the ban, we never ran out. Not even close. Magazines are cheap and basic. Most of them are pieces of sheet metal with some wire. That’s it. Magazines are considered disposable so most gun people accumulate a ton of them. All it did was make magazines more expensive, ticked off law abiding citizens, and didn’t so much as inconvenience a single criminal.
    Meanwhile, bad guys didn’t run out either. And if they did, like I said, they are cheap and basic, so you just get or make more. If you can cook meth, you can make a functioning magazine.
    As a matter of fact, just as our children can playfully take two straws and make one long straw, anyone with two or three magazines can without much trouble join them together to double or triple their capacity.
    In the past several years, hundreds of millions of high capacity magazines have been sold. It is likely that we run out of sneakers before we run out of banned magazines.

  • Richard - 12 years ago

    Presidential Speech, Barrack Obama
    A Gun Safe Union
    “The Gun Speech”
    Tampa, FL
    January 16, 2013

    "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union."
    Two hundred and twenty one years ago, in a hall that still stands in Philadelphia, a group of men gathered and, with these simple words, launched America's improbable experiment in democracy. Farmers and scholars; statesmen and patriots who had traveled across an ocean to escape tyranny and persecution finally made real their declaration of independence at a Philadelphia convention that lasted through the spring of 1787. In those proceedings, our founding fathers saw fit to include the 2nd Amendment , the right to keep and bear arms.
    Today, we are still mourning a recent tragedy involving the tragic killings of 26 people, twenty of them young children. The graphic images, the screams, the bloodshed and heartbreak have forever changed us. We proudly awoke as a nation to revisit violence in America, to better understand it’s roots, causes and tools – so that we can take drastic and immediate action to ensure such tragedy can never happen again.
    The issue is: Are there some sensible steps that we can take to make sure that somebody like the individual in Newtown can’t walk into a school and gun down a bunch of children in a — in a shockingly rapid fashion? And surely we can do something about that.
    As your President, I directed Vice President, Joe Biden to solicit inputs from all with a perspective to share, to not leave any stone unturned, to ignore politics and to simply focus on anything we can do to make America safer – even if any given step means saving just one life. Please join me in thanking Joe for an amazing job in difficult circumstances.
    I have carefully considered every recommendation from Joe and his task force. Included are: a tougher version of the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004; a limit on the number of bullets that magazines can hold; background checks for gun shows and other “private sales”; better database tracking for weapons sales; and strengthening measures aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of those with severe mental health issues.

    Plans that tinker and halfway measures now belong to yesterday. There will be many others offered in the coming months, and I am working with experts to develop my own plan as we speak, but let's make one thing clear right here, right now: America can no longer tolerate a nation of Politicians passing feel good laws of little impact and great theatrics.
    Many will be surprised my my next remarks, yet history will refer to their honesty, focus and truthfulness.
    My fellow Americans, I stand before you tonight to correct a misperception, to re-align our national discussion on guns. Somehow, and perhaps with my involvement, we became distracted from analyzing the recent tragedies for lessons learned and how to prevent them in the future. Instead we became fixated on passing additional gun controls at any expense.
    There are few among us, who wish to pass restrictive gun legislation more than me and my cabinet. Yet, when I reviewed the important recommendations from Joe and his team – I must say that I was shocked and surprised to see that none of the recommendations would have reduced the carnage we witnessed in the recent shootings. Sadly, we have spent the last month focused on creating recommended laws, in addition to the 20,000 gun laws we already have, that would not make us any safer and instead simply creates more restrictions on law abiding citizens who are not the ones going on shooting rampages.
    Surely something must be done and can be done. Surely. As I studied this complex issue, I was greatly educated by an experienced firearms expert, Larry Correia whose keen insights are liberally included in my speech tonight. We all agree – “Something Must be Done”.
    Yet, looking at the facts, without emotion:
    Gun Free Zones
    Gun Free Zones are hunting preserves for innocent people. Pe

  • Virginia Cowgirl - 12 years ago

    Wow, where are the comments from the small-dick, assault weapon gun owners now?

  • Virginia Cowgirl - 12 years ago

    Thank You Governor Cuomo!!!! Sensible laws for gun control PREVAIL!!!

  • Virginia Cowgirl - 12 years ago

    Sue Wallace - This is FANTASTIC NEWS for Ed Schultz and his wife and family! Especially his wife! I was so happy to hear this and thank you for sharing it will us all! Ed Schultz and his wife ROCK!!

  • Sue Wallace - 12 years ago

    Such great news at the shows end tonight re: Wendy Schultz being recently declared cancer free. Congratulations on your long fight to you, Wendy and to Ed and family as well!!!

  • cw - 12 years ago

    This is not about right or left...this is a constitutional right, a foundational right to our country. Constitutional ammendments can only be passed by the Majority of the people. There is a leader in the 20 century that eliminated rights of the masses to a select few by ammending founding documents of a country, and that led to a world war. Leave the ammendments to the constitution to the people. We were granted the right to bear arms and term limits these should not change because of a select fews decision or bad decisions by some this is not the answer this is scare tactics.

  • Pam Jackson - 12 years ago

    I think Fox news is the pit of the devil they are a disgrace to broadcasting to disrespect our President as their network continues to do. Why does not everyone just admit they do not like this President because he is black they do and say everything around this. We all know this and we all know they want to use the N word, but this is why his election was a landside. Fox news and the far right congress are a shame to America. This is why the rest of the world hates us. Without our President they would hate us more. Babies died do they care? What if it where their babies? I cannot stand this. I am a baby boomer born in the the 60's. I am a Christian, educated black women with a salary over 6 figures my mother walked pickette lines for the rights of people of color but she made sure I attended the best schools. This is such a disrespect to our President and nation we have come so far but still so short. The hatred of the grandchildren and great grandchildren of slave owners is unforgiven, I hope they make it to heaven. Fox news should shut down and turn their business over to channel 5 or 7 . I do not even turn my TV close to this channel anymore. People are dying everyday the President is the leader of our free world he should act he must act. My brother died of gun voilence because a family member owned a firearm. This is sickening. The way this country is changing we will never ever see another republican president and I hope not the hatred and prejudice I cannot even come up with a word to express this. I am so disappointed being a little girl from the 60's, the struggles, the fights, the treatment of people of color. The world is watching God is watching......

  • Jeanette Sears - 12 years ago

    The fringe right is losing its hold on America, and it's a wonderful thing.

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 12 years ago

    The Far-Right would have everybody believe that they can spew hateful rhetoric and get whatever they want. But, they are wrong. A handful of haters and killers will NOT keep the American people from doing what it takes to save our children.

  • Virginia Cowgirl - 12 years ago

    Thank you LYNN GLICK! Kudos! Couldn't have said it better!

  • E Stout - 12 years ago

    All those people making threats against the people that are trying to make our country to make our country a safer place to live should have background checks on them . threating a civil war & etc.

  • Virginia Cowgirl - 12 years ago

    OH WINSTON - Mitch McConnell (the "Manchurian Candidate") is the first one in line for Facism! I put him on the same level as David Koresh! It His Way Or The Highway or DIE! No I think not! Republican Facism is what you must be talking about, with the likes of Glenn Beck et al!

  • lynn glick - 12 years ago

    And we wonder why bullying in schools is growing...just look at the GOP and how they have been bullied into silence by the NRA, whose sole and only interest are the clients they serve, the gunmakers, certainly not their membership. They are not listening to the membership...isn't that what bullies do, establish fear and intimidation. And these politicians are asking just like the children who are bullied, they freeze and seem to be unable to act independently any longer. Wake up GOP, you are no longer in control. You have allowed bullies to consume this government. Where are you going to stand up for the rights of "normal" Americans, who are tired of your inability to act and do the right thing. You let Norquist control you and now you have the NRA controlling you. I don't recall voting for either of those folks, so why have you let them assume the position and responsibility for which you were elected????

  • Virginia Cowgirl - 12 years ago

    Thank you DH Fabian! It we could only get Bud to see the light! He likes making babies, but he could care less about burying them after they have been murdered by an assault rifle! SAD!

  • Hb Campbell - 12 years ago

    We The People stand with our President & not with the devil's right hand...

  • Winston Smith - 12 years ago

    I must say you all are being conditioned quite well into the all-or-nothing ideology of totalism. It is also known as fascism.

    MU to the argument about rifles and hunting. That battleground has been presented by those seeking control and the sheep follow so willingly to their slaughter. The history of socialism, communism, totalism, fascism, etc. have a track record and that track record is genocide.

    Yet we want to continue to open the Pandora's Box because we believe that we have the ability to control it....this time. It must be resisted whenever it raises its ugly head.

    More people die of distracted driving, yet those deaths lack the political shock value than 20 kids in CT. I've got news for all of you. In 04/93 the same number of legal minors were either burned to death, shot, or stabbed as the result of cult leader David Koresh. No one cared. Cults cheat, steal, and take lives in levels far exceeding the recent CT event, yet no one cares.


    Because people lack critical thinking everywhere. Think fascism can't exist here, pick up the phone Pollyanna, its your new dictator.

  • DH Fabian - 12 years ago

    Bud, please pay attention to legitimate news. No one is trying to take away the guns from law-abiding citizens (many Dems and Progressives use guns as well, though not to intimidate others). The issue is that the NRA has worked to end all reasonable rules and restrictions on guns. People have a right to have a gun the way they have a right to drive a car. If you drive, you must have a license, and you must obey traffic laws. Your driving privileges can be revoked if you prove to be a danger. Imagine what would happen if some yahoo demanded his freedom from the tyranny of traffic laws!

  • Linda Spyhalski - 12 years ago

    To the President: Stand tall and strong because they will throw everything at you but we Americans stand with you!! We must not forget the lives of all those killed by guns.

  • JoAnne - 12 years ago

    Let's pray to god that none of those crazies every have to go through what the
    Newtown families did.

  • Virginia Cowgirl - 12 years ago

    Hey Ruby,

    Just so that you are informed, the last three shooters in the last three killings sprees, wouldn't have passed a mental health screening for purchasing guns! Get a clue!

  • shelbykitty - 12 years ago

    I think the nuts have taken over. Obama will end of having to do Executive Order(nothing big) and some nut is going to try to kill him.

  • Ruby - 12 years ago

    You are all nuts why is it when someone doesn't believe the way you do they are mental or the extreme far right..Get a grip people every one has an opinion you guys just go to extreme with it....

  • Pamela - 12 years ago

    PBO! Stand Your Ground...we are with you all the way!!!

  • Virginia Cowgirl - 12 years ago

    Hey BUD - You must be part of the Glennda Beck bunch that is planning a civil war! You hunt with an assault rifle do ya? Now that is real sporting! No one is trying to take away your shot guns or hand guns, if you are a true sportsman, like Ed, you don't need to have an assault rifle to shoot pheasant or deer! You need to have your brain removed!

  • DH Fabian - 12 years ago

    What is really tragic is the way people like Nugent deliberately misinform the public for their own personal gain -- doing so in a way that implicitly encourages confused and angry people to act violently. These right-wingers are stunningly irresponsible and self-serving.

  • Charles Gustafson - 12 years ago

    I believe the far right is more afraid of the mental health checka and he background checks than anything else. There is no restriction on a six shot revolver, .22 rifle, 12, 14, 16, 20 guage 3 shot shotgun.

  • Virginia Cowgirl - 12 years ago

    To Jason Downie - page has been removed! FYI!!!

  • Nancy Harms - 12 years ago

    The President will not let the crazy far righjt nuts and the NRA stop him from making sensible gun laws to protect the rest of the citizens of the United Staes, especially our children! Also, all this civil war talk and empeachment talk is nonsense! It is simply a change of rules and has been done before.----

  • bud - 12 years ago

    im sorry i have always voted dem but you try to take my guns all folks that i have talked into voting for dems there done so am i guns don,t kill anyone its the idiot that pulls the trigger get off second ammendment and worry about other real issues its not up to you or anyone else to decide what i own

  • Sonia Cardoso - 12 years ago

    This is one issue the President and Vice President seem to be really passionate about and wont back down. What Governor Cuomo did today is an example what ppl with backbone will do to make change a reality. It's finally refreshing to see ppl not committed to the NRA and 2nd Amendment crazies have the guts to stand up for the ppl

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 12 years ago

    The President of the United States has one thing those nuts done. He has the sensible American people on his side.

  • Anna Crabtree - 12 years ago

    Surely the vision of 20 children mowed down by an assault weapon will finally bring some action in the area of not only gun control but crime as well.

  • Jason Downie - 12 years ago

    Pay Cut to all member's of The U.S. House & U.S.Senate @signon

    Please say something about this petition, this is a good idea.

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