How Effective Will President Obama's Proposed Gun Regulations Be?

1 Comment

  • John - 11 years ago

    Effective at what? Reinstating bans on certain classes of weapons and restricting availability of magazines above a given capacity only affects those who obey the law. The talking point would have us believe that the legislation would curb gun violence but I have a tough time believing that even those who support the legislation act6ually believe that. To me, it boils down to a difference in objectives- the selling point being a curb in gun violence versus the true aim at incrementally disarming law abiding citizens. On that basis I would respectfully request some clarification because the administration has shown its true colors with its actions that reflect something other than our best interests.

    It is doubtful that Obama's proposed legislation will pass congress and he has already expressed a willingness to exercise executive fiat to effect changes in the event of congressional refusal to support his assault on the second amendment. My guess is that if the truth were to come out- the Constitution would be shown as being irrelevant as a template for crafting legislation- serving solely as a propaganda talking point to not only democrats, but also republicans who seem only to be able to put up token resistance to the current socialist agenda at work. The forces behind these trends have enacted all manner of extra-Constitutional projects, like the "Affordable" Care Act which forces levies a fine on non participants- which magically became a tax in order to pass SCOTUS scrutiny; as well as the gun walking program known as Fast and Furious- reflecting a callous disregard for human life- necessary in this case because it was the hope of this administration that the ballistics of American made weapons would show up in dead Americans at the hands of Mexican criminals in order to justify encroaching on the second amendment... ideally they would likely have preferred that children be targeted in order to enlist our heart strings support for the removal of more freedom.

    The objective of elected empty suits seems pretty straightforward to me- legitimize through mock legislative process the repeal of all manner of rights and freedoms- which are already taken away.... and to cede some measure of our sovereignty to an international entity (probably the UN) for the purpose of generating revenue through taxes and to subject Americans to the jurisdiction of its law enforcement. The UN is already pushing for global carbon taxes... something our president supports.

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