Was The NRA's Reference To The Obama Daughters Having Armed Security At Their School Out Of Bounds?


  • Louie - 12 years ago

    Yes, all kids should be off limits but they aren't. My sisters boyfriends, half sister, lost her son, Dylan in the shooting at Newtown. We all feel the pain. I would rather see armed security guards in schools rather than armed teachers.
    Frank I agree with you 100%.

  • John - 12 years ago

    The premise that exploiting the Sandy Hook shootings to further the constitution erosion agenda on the part of the Obama regime is somehow not outside the bounds of decency is profoundly offensive.

  • ED - 12 years ago

    Why was it OK for HILLARY Clinton to carry a Illegal Handgun to protect herself but us Peons can't protect ourselves?

  • PatriotInCT - 12 years ago

    The children in ads depend on the exact circumstances. The ad that shows Obama's children is pointing out the hypocrisy of elected officials who would like to disarm citizens, yet keep their armed guards.

    Paul's points below are invalid. EVERYONE is a target of attacks by criminals and terrorists, as we have seen today in Algeria. al Qaedans are watching the debate on guns in America, and the UN is pushing to disarm Americans as one step in weakening out power in the Free World. Recall that Russia and China re part of the UN who almost always vote opposite the USA on UN issues. Everyone in the USA is a potential terrorist target, and many of us are potential targets of criminals in our midst, who will not heed laws to disarm.

    The hypocrisy of Obama and Biden, who armed outlaws through 'Fast & Furious', and 'disarmed by intent and inaction' the Libyan Embassy staff, is both alarming and outrageous.

    The rapid growth of the NRA, and skyrocketing sales of guns in the USA is both telling and comforting. The majority of Americans know the dangers of infringement of their 2nd Amendment rights, and they are taking the proper actions to defend them.

  • Paul - 12 years ago

    I don't think they over stepped their bounds because i see the point they are trying to make. the problem is - their example isn't valid.

    Why? -
    1. The president is arguably the most powerful single person in the world. He's also a celebrity. But not just any celebrity. He's a celebrity whom we can find out nearly everything about via google in 5 minutes. We know where he lives, where his kids attend school, the layout of the white house. Most of his schedule etc. We don't know half of that about most top celebrities. With that power comes the unfortunate reality that the crazies most likely would take a chance if given to attempt some heinous crime on him or his family. We as every day people do not have that problem.

    2. No one is directly targetting our children. i.e. - we can't say with any certainty what public school would be targetted. we can say with a level of certainty that a school the presidents daughters attend is at risk at all times simply because of who they are. which warrants around the clock protection.

    Now don't get me wrong, i think every school should have armed guards, but attempting to use the presidents kids to display this point is simply not a real world example.

  • Jeff - 12 years ago

    While we all understand the need for elected officials at the national level to have security around themselves and their families, the real issue is the outright dismissal of thought that every child deserves to be safe. As an NRA Certified instructor, in our pistol and personal protection classes I tell students that the second to last thing I ever want to do is take another persons life. The last thing I want is to be a victim! I work in an elementary school during the day and the only thing I have to put between the children and a murderer like Adam Lanza is my body. The mainstream liberal media and the politicians have had a field day parading children in front of the public for over a month, where is the outrage. The NRA is not the evil empire, it is made up of over 4 million dads, moms, sons and daughters who simply wish to enjoy their sport, competition, recreation and FREEDOM.

  • frank - 12 years ago

    All kids should be off limits. They have nothing to with the decisions made by the elected idiots out there, or the lobbying groups that try to force their agendas. That being said, It's a real shame that the issue of mental health is being pushed aside in the new gun control battle. The law abiding gun owners in this country are not the ones doing these mass shootings, nor are they the ones shootin up the hood! Our elected officials need to fight the battle where the real problem exists. And it might help if the news outlets reported the facts as they really are, and did'nt worry so much about Michell's new hairdo!

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