LOL It's Perfect ... Too bad we don't see too many of these (girls) in real life! begs to question whether the fence is more sexy than the stiad old institution of the Canadian Wheat Board. Best wishes in compelling customers in this new free market!!
Ron DiLabio - 12 years ago
The poster is so wrong on many levels.
2.A skirt on a ranch?
3.Bare legs on a splintery fence?
4.A lariat and no gloves?
5.Short sleeves on a ranch?
6.It’s not a grain farm.
7.Violation of a Marlboro copyright????
Clare Boyd - 12 years ago
What would be wrong with a nice pair of jeans. Or maybe Humpty Dumpty.
HAROLD BELL - 12 years ago
they might have got my attention more if ritz had been sitting on the fence by himself of course
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Not impressed! Good farmers have good morals.
Not impressed! Good farmers have good morals.
LOL It's Perfect ... Too bad we don't see too many of these (girls) in real life! begs to question whether the fence is more sexy than the stiad old institution of the Canadian Wheat Board. Best wishes in compelling customers in this new free market!!
The poster is so wrong on many levels.
2.A skirt on a ranch?
3.Bare legs on a splintery fence?
4.A lariat and no gloves?
5.Short sleeves on a ranch?
6.It’s not a grain farm.
7.Violation of a Marlboro copyright????
What would be wrong with a nice pair of jeans. Or maybe Humpty Dumpty.
they might have got my attention more if ritz had been sitting on the fence by himself of course