Public Hearings Notwithstanding, Have State Legislators Already Decided On What New Policies Will Be Implemented Concerning Firearms?


  • PatriotInCT - 12 years ago

    Dannell wants to go to Washington, and needs someone to take over The New Socialist State of CT after he implements more of his Socialist policies to impress and appease Obama. So legislators are vying for Dannell's attention by following through on Socialist opportunities such as gun bans and extended gun ownership regulations. Some of the legislators hope to follow him to Washington as US Congressmen.

    The transparency that Malloy promised during his election campaign has manifested itself as sham public meetings such as the one that occurred yesterday. Everything to be discussed is out in the open in these meetings, ...except for what has already occurred between the Democrat legislators and Malloy behind closed doors.

    Malloy's recent categorization of the tax increase due to expiry of taxes; i.e. he may not allow those taxes to expire, is 'not really a tax increase' (paraphrased), is insincere and the original 'plan not to raise taxes' was intentionally deceptive (i.e. not transparent).

  • John - 12 years ago

    Hearings and debate are likely no more than kabuki theater to promote the perception that policy is being crafted when the course has already been decided.

  • frank - 12 years ago

    You can mark my words on this, within a year from now, the largest number of people to apply for new unemployment benefits will come from the companys that manufacture weapons. Dannel Obama already knows the course he will take.

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