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If Children Are Present In A Car, Should Smoking Be Prohibited?


  • Louie - 12 years ago

    We don't need any more laws. Too many now. Next we'll need permission to go to the bathroom from this frekin government. Enough already!

  • John - 12 years ago

    The individual should have the sense not to light up without Big Brother micromanaging personal behavior on ones private property. So many of these new and increasingly controlling laws require additional bureaucracy to verify and enforce. As has already been pointed out- the sheer hypocrisy enabling a complete absence of concern for these children when the very same activist liberal usurper criminals who exploit children and tragedies to pursue the incremental repeal of the second amendment and enact onerous micromanaging of personal lives suddenly become lenient when it comes to early release programs which integrate convicts- some dangerous- in the general population- including these very same children the libs would have us believe are being protected when they seek to create new gun laws restricting what an individual can legally own. This will only perpetuate a black market not only for the aspiring felon who can only be emboldened in a culture that has been disarmed, but also for the otherwise law abiding citizen who is looking for an extra measure of security in such an environment. This doesn't account for the very real possibility that as perpetual deficits grow with both state and federal budgets that suddenly there is no money to pay police forces the we're supposed to rely on for protection.

    Of course this isn't about guns and bullets, it's about coughin' (coffin) nails- aka cigarettes and the historic right each individual has to wreck his and her own health. While I do not believe that it's a good idea to smoke- and a downright evil practice to do so in a closed-window car with children as passengers I think that the solution needs to be cultural and not institutional. It is the collective lack of common sense that is giving opportunity for power addicted bureaucrats the opportunity to legislate increasing control over personal lives- either through the legal system or the tax code... sometimes both. Our collective gluttony and apparent resulting obesity rate has justified Mayor Bloomberg of NYC to restrict the size of sugary drinks that can be sold in the city. The government is getting into the business of telling us what we can and can't eat or drink at the same time that they are working toward a single payer federal health insurance system- enabled in part by enforcing mandates on private companies that will put them out of business.

    If people want a totalitarian state then this is exactly how to go about creating it... furnish all manner of crises- security, safety, health.... and use children as manipulative props to DEMAND that government DO something but be forewarned that if you do NOT want an authoritarian government telling you that you cannot smoke as well as what you can eat and drink as well as how much- not to mention what you can drive, where you can live- OR whether you're deemed eligible to receive life saving medical treatment based on your history of egregious dietary offenses- possible as charted through your purchase history recorded when you use your savings card at the supermarket... or whether during a routine "safety" checkpoint cigarette butts were found in the ashtray of your car that had a child's car seat installed so you got hauled in for questioning

    Yes- I kinda went all over the place here but nothing happens in a vacuum... to the original question of, If children are in a car should smoking be prohibited? It shouldn't even be an issue- people need to have the common sense not to light up when their kids are in the car and we need to leave the government out of our lives.

  • PatriotInCT - 12 years ago

    Democrats favor removing your right to smoke in your car when a child is present. That might make sense if they also outlawed your right to use 'medical' marijuana when a child is present.

    They also approved the Early Release Program, freeing some dangerous criminals, and repealed the death penalty in CT a few months after the Petit Murders were adjudicated at great expense and pain to the families. The resulting murder of a convenience store clerk in Meriden was an immediate by-product of the foolish legislation that has no justifiable purpose. The perp will not face the death penalty. The family of the victim certainly did not benefit from the Early Release Program.

    The problem is clear when you repeatedly read news stories such as this one... there are too many State legislators who have too much time on their hands and feel the need to fill it by drafting legislative proposals to justify their job.

    I have a suggestion for a more meaningful type of sequester;
    1. a 25% across the board reduction in the number of legislators, locally and nationally.
    2. a 25% reduction in the time they are in session, with a commensurate reduction in their salary.
    3. an annual audit of the personal finances of all legislators, to be publicly disclosed.

  • frank - 12 years ago

    Is this an issue that is now going to stop the Dems. from taking on the spending addiction they have? In the past few weeks I've read where they were considering what the official state Polka should be. Over the weekend I saw they are worried about bed bugs. Please, call your reps. and ask them to deal with the real problems that need to be addressed. They put us in this fiscal mess, deal with it! Stop kicking it down the road!

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