How do you feel about Pit Bulls?


  • Christine - 11 years ago

    Thank you Andrew. I agree there are no bad dogs, just bad dog owners. We have a PIT and she is well behaved, well trained and totally loving to my children

  • NMO - 11 years ago

    Humans are THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE ANIMAL on the planet. I don't see anyone attempting to euthanize them because of their destructiveness. Any animal can turn if they are abused enough, doesn't matter the breed. And humans are the cause.

  • Lauren - 11 years ago

    I have a Pitbull, and he is a superb dog. He is great with all people, strangers, children, and other dogs. He is full of love and loves to be cuddled just as much as any other dog. If more people gave him a chance rather than judging him for having muscles he would undoubtedly win them over.

  • Jessica - 11 years ago

    My husband and I live in a beautiful little neighborhood with our 4 children (5,5,6 &7). We have a pittie that we rescued last year who is AWESOME! He LOVES the kids more than anything! He is always eager to meet new people and dogs on our walks. He shares his home with a westie & a silky terrier. He has been in obedience training since we brought him home. He is neutered, licensed and microchipped. Hi is SO smart and loyal! No breed of dog should ever be banned! The media is to blame, they are relentless liars! A dog is a dog, no matter what breed it is! Here is some info for those that choose to believe the media!

    Myth: Pit bulls have locking jaws.
    Fact: This is just another urban myth promoted by those who don't understand that pit bulls are just like any other dogs. No dog has a locking jaw.....
    Myth: A pit bull is more likely to bite me than another dog.
    Fact: Pit bulls are even less likely to bite than many other types of dog! Breed groups commonly identified as pit bulls have consistently scored at or below average for aggression when compared to other dogs. Temperament evaluations by the American Temperament Test Society give American Pit Bull Terriers a very high passing rate of 82.6%, while the average passing rate for the other 121 dog breeds tested was only 77%. No spayed/neutered, indoor pit bull has ever killed a person.

    According to studies by the CDC, a person is more likely to be killed…

    - by a family member
    - by a falling coconut
    - in a bedroom slipper-related accident
    - choking on a marble
    - drowning in a 5-gallon bucket
    - getting struck by lightning

    …than by a pit bull....

  • Nedda Brighton - 11 years ago

    Certain breeds are capable of killing and grossly harming people under certain circumstances. For example a Westie would not normally be able to kill an average size adult human. Those certain breeds with that capability should come with a warning, and perhaps be required to sign a contract acknowledging the owner's responsibility to take extra precautions to keep the dog under control at all times. I don't believe they should be "banned", but potential owners need to be informed of the risks and acknowledge their potential liability.

  • Patsy - 11 years ago

    I agree with every comment here. These dogs are so loving. Its the owners that have the issues not the breed. Just like with all that is bad there are negative people involved and the innocent ones suffer. In this case it's the Pit Bull that gets the bad rap.

  • R Garbe - 11 years ago

    The American PitBull Terrier and variations of the breed has always been one of the best family pets, best with children, overtly friendly to a fault. Historically they have been known as the "Nanny Dog". Look at the stats.....look at Vick's dogs who were instantly friendly with each other and people. Many are now therapy dogs. It has always been the owner, not the breed. Most states and cities are now repealing breed bans. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be bitten by a PitBull. This breed has to be TRAINED to be "mean". These facts have been proven over and over and it's only a handfull or zealots, who in their ignorance of the facts, have taken an anti-PitBull stance. First it was Dobermans, then Rottweilers, then Shepards..what next? Cocker Spaniels are common biters..should they be banned as "dangerous"? Jack Russells....nasty little creatures...why not ban them? Another untruth...a Pit's bite is the hardest of any animal. Pure fiction.

    Hers's an idea.....instead of a silly issue vote, why not try to get proper information and educate the publicv?

    THAT would be newsworthy!

  • Kelli - 11 years ago

    I have two dogs and always accept one additional foster dog at a time. I have accepted four pit bulls into my home (two male, two female) and have LOVED every single one of them...they all were easily adopted into loving homes. In my experience, I treat bringing a pit bull into my home like all other matter of breed or how big or small.
    Don't look at media hype. Look at statistics which tell the real story of how pit bulls compare to all other breeds of dogs.

  • Lindsay - 11 years ago

    Andrew- I couldnt agree with you more. When are there going to be harsher laws for animal abuse and neglect? Thats where the real problem is and thats what needs to be banned not the animals!!!!

  • Andrew - 11 years ago

    I have 4 dogs and have owned many different dogs throughout my life. I currently have one pit bull that I rescued from the streets a few years back. He is by far the sweetest dog I have ever owned. Stop allowing people to stereotype a breed. More control should be put on people who own dogs. With facebook and news stories now showing more and more animal cruelty people still focus on the animals themselves. When they should be monitoring breeding practices and adopting practices. Some people don't deserve dogs!! Don't blame an animal who becomes loyal to the wrong person. They after all just want to be loved and loyal to those who own them. There are no bad dogs, just bad dog owners.

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