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What do you think of Numero magazine's decision to blacken the face of a Caucasian model?


  • Bob - 11 years ago

    This is such racist b.s. It isn't for people who aren't the victims of racism and racialization to decide what is and isn't racism. This sort of blackface minstrelsy has a long history - and this can't be disconnected from this under the guise of "artistic freedom." What's more important - "artistic freedom" or being kind and respectful of other human beings? And while some theories suggest we "all come from Africa" we are not all treated as "African," we haven't all be stereotyped and abused as "Africans," and at the end of the day, we don't all get why this *is* a problem. If we all were "African" perhaps we would.

  • Roberta Melville - 11 years ago

    The human race originated in africa so we all have a little bit of africa in each and everyone of us. Diversity has made us who we are, we are all human so get over your petty insignificant prejudice and celebrate our humanity no matter what colour.

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