Do you want to change the election process?


  • Elizabeth Curran - 12 years ago

    What is the nomination process for Coast Capital elections to directorships? Is it not possible for us to nominate some of the individuals behind the compensation watch project to run for office? At least then we would know that the process is not a total farce...

  • Jamie - 12 years ago

    Thank you for finally bringing this out into the open. As a former employee of Coast Capital, I was always puzzled at how not only there was no recognizable election process that resembled that of a democracy (as you pointed out: Barely any info on candidates & no campaigns), but the most eye opening thing for me was that in several cases all the positions had been filled and we - the employees - were asked to elect one of two candidates that were already chosen. Further, the minimal and biased information package, made a recommendation of whom I should vote for. SHAM is the right word. Don't get me wrong, I believe Coast Capital to be a good, perhaps even very good, overall organization; however, the board of directors election process is a very concerning process, and if the top ranks are manipulated to this degree, what might happen to the organization over time?

  • Marilyn Hofmann - 12 years ago

    Yes, this election process is a sham! With previous election, a prospective recommended candidate's name jumped out at me, Chris Trumpy. If you google his name you will find that he was the lead negotiator in the BC Rail sale & later involved with $6M payment for Basi-Virk legal fees, as he was Deputy Minister of Finance. Other Gov't positions he held were: head of Treasury Board,Dep. Min. Environment(Land & WaterBC),former chair of BC Investment Management Corp(BCIMC), Provincial Rep. for Puget Energy.
    As BC's top accountant(Dep. Min. Finance) he signed off on 2009 pre election budget claiming $ 495M deficit and immediately resigned. After the May 2009 election it was revealed(Campbell/Hansen) the deficit was now $3B...Surprise! Surprise!
    After his gov't career Mr Trumpy has been very busy , He's a director at Puget Energy, CHAIRMAN of Pacific Carbon Trust (a BC crown corporation), director at Coast Capital and he's a trustee on behalf of BCIMC for Padua Investment Trust of which he's a owner/ director .
    What a tangled web is woven for us with the choices for director candidates! Do you think Mr. Trumpy has the members best interest at heart, or might it be his own interests! l

  • Kimberly - 12 years ago

    I ALWAYS vote against the recommended candidates because I think there should NEVER be a recommended candidate.

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