Should paternity tests be mandatory to prevent paternity fraud?


  • Paul - 9 years ago

    Thank you for writing this. However, I think you are being disingenuous to say men don't advocate for women. Every right women have they have been given, yes given, by men. You may not think that men should have the power to decide what rights women can have but the fact is they did/do. Based on how women behave today I wouldn't bet any money that women would have done the same if the situation was reversed. Those men did it even though women were not advocating for men's rights.

    If women had advocated for equality, right from the start, i.e. the right for fathers to voluntarily give up their parental rights, mandatory paternity testing, hand in hand with the right for women to have control over their bodies rather than the one sided feminist view of equality it would probably have been easier to get what they want and the world would be a better place.

  • Paul - 9 years ago

    Thank you for writing this. However, I think you are being disingenuous to say men don't advocate for women. Every right women have they have been given, yes given, by men. You may not think that men should have the power to decide what rights women can have but the fact is they did/do. Based on how women behave today I wouldn't bet any money that women would have done the same if the situation was reversed. Those men did it even though women were not advocating for men's rights.

    If women had advocated for equality, right from the start, i.e. the right for fathers to voluntarily give up their parental rights, mandatory paternity testing, hand in hand with the right for women to have control over their bodies rather than the one sided feminist view of equality it would probably have been easier to get what they want and the world would be a better place.

  • Robert - 10 years ago

    Wow, yeah this is a great article... sure there's points to provoke more thought, but it quite clearly describes a gender imbalance while creating laws.

    So a man cannot force a paternity test, but a woman can "voluntarily name a man" and then "restrict the child's time with the (named) father" and then get child support for that.

    Wow, we might as well bring back slavery and disallow females to vote... none of which makes any more sense than this or "dipping a woman in a well to see if shes a witch.
    Each of these things are equally as absurd.

  • Greg - 11 years ago

    I am victim myself. Took 10 years for me to decide to do the test. I have no legal recourse. Even of there was one, I'd have to give up my rights. I don't want to do that. I could care less if my ex sits in jail or not, but I believe she owes me and my son the truth. I should not be paying this woman support anymore. If she cant make it on her own, then i should get custody. I feel she should pay restitution. If not to me, a 25k restitution to my son would be fine. He is the main victim here, a fact lost in this article.

  • Bob B. - 11 years ago

    Make it mandatory... Everyone has the right to know. But the government wins again... now they have everyone's DNA... Win win... Lose lose.

  • J.G. - 11 years ago

    Refusing and deliberately shaming men and imposing laws to make men unable to either confirm or dispute paternity of a child (check the laws, you are automatically becoming a father if you're married and mother can effectively block any chance to legally test it, while many unmarried men are still filing papers taking an obligation without taking the test).
    feminist organizations have deliberately started an initiative to BAN paternity testing for men... but they insist that a woman can name the father and the father needs to pay child support if he refuses to be tested! On top of that, most states will cover woman's expenses for paternity testing, and if the father is falsely accused nothing happens... but if the father is confirmed, the father is forced to pay the expenses of testing. Sounds fair? Ok. Now let's see the hyspocrisy right here. A woman can deny legal paternity testing and prologn it until it is often legally impossible to challenge paternity due to legal time limit.... but even if the guy is unmarried and challenges it on court and he manages to prove that he isn't the father - he's still going to pay for paternity test and all the court expenses! See, this is because feminists specifically wrote those laws and put them in action.

    Feminists HATE men. They consider that a man isn't human enough to know the truth. They see men as unnecessary but men are still far more productive and to maintain the standard of the country and children those men are seen as walking wallers and sperm banks. man has no right in his child's life legally, woman can legally abort the child or keep it and demand child support for an unwanted child, woman can divorce her husband and still the court will award the child to her UNLESS there is some serious issue.
    This isn't just because of "women being more with the children" or "women staying home", this is a big lie. Check out that even when alimony is being awarded, it's awarded mainly to women. You'll rarely have the judge award alimony to a healthy man, even if he stayed home for several years and raised children - instead, he'll be deemed unfit to keep the children because he can't support them, because he has no job and no temporary or permanent alimony will be awarded for him to get time to find a job. This is why no man should EVER be a stay-at-home dad, because laws are stacked against him. No man should ever marry either. And safest option is SURROGACY ABROAD, which is the main topic for feminists as they try to ban if - they succeeded to ban single people from taking surrogate in India to bear their child, even though conceiving and delivering costs per each child conceived by a Indian surrogate was LOWER than average costs per US-born child, when all expenses were included in annual reports.

    On top of this all - anyone who falls on the trick that mandatory paternity testing is insulting to women because it implies that they are cheaters - you should ask yourself why does the child support law exist, or mandatory paternity testing for men in front of law and practice of "guilty until proven innocent" (because the court will order you to pay until you prove otherwise!)... doesn't it imply that all men are going to avoid paying for their children? I am very ready to embrace child support law and I think every honest man will. What's with the mandatory paternity testing then? Why would any honest woman protest against it, they would gladly want it included into insurance coverage together with many other pregnancy-related costs that are covered with insurance, because they don't have anything to hide. It's only THE MOST RADICAL FEMINISTS who are against it.

  • Ally - 11 years ago

    This even happens when the mum and dad ARE married. My husband is paying on a sweet little boy that we realized one day, on blood typing, is not his unless there is a genetic glitch (which is rare but does happen). But in that moment, you don't want to think about the fact thst the woman you are happily married to may have been unfaithful.

  • Ally - 11 years ago

    This even happens when the mum and dad ARE married. My husband is paying on a sweet little boy that we realized one day, on blood typing, is not his unless there is a genetic glitch (which is rare but does happen). But in that moment, you don't want to think about the fact thst the woman you are happily married to may have been unfaithful.

  • Connie Brauer - 11 years ago

    I am fully onboard with check swab paternity test. Too many men are victims of fraud, disrespect and rejection for the purpose of child support.
    I want to see an International Mens' Day, because men DO need to be protected from Domestic abuse.
    Domestic Abuse is
    paternity fraud,
    procreation fraud,
    child support fraud,
    Income fraud,
    child access fraud,
    Violence fraud and more.

  • Timmmay - 11 years ago

    "I admire those men that sign the birth certificate fully knowing that they have no genetic makeup that connects them with the newborn. And for those men who find out much later that a child they have been calling their own doesn't biologically belong to them, but still insists on fathering that child? Those noble souls do not come a dime a dozen" - Christina Coleman.

    One of the primary reasons which extends from paternity fraud; infidelity. By the very nature of infidelity, women receive tremendous sympathy & advocacy vs' men receiving ridicule. When a baby becomes in common with infidelity, I cannot count the times women have told me they left that circumstance altogether. I've never heard of a woman financially supporting a child that is not hers, let alone mothering. Has anyone? I've networked with women of all ages, race, ethnicity and not one has. For the record, females are always given choice without social or legal obligation nor stigma. Extreme immoral, ethical, criminal, selfish, physically and emotional abusive, and inhumane actions by women is apparent regarding paternity fraud; refuting ultra-feminist claim that women are far superior in humanity & morality than men by this single action alone. Note: men support women far more than women supporting themselves. Facts speak for itself.

  • MichaelSmith - 11 years ago

    Great article...right up until you backslapped men with your blatantly wrong belief that "so very few [men] advocate for women." Just about ALL men advocate for women, every day. After all, on the Titanic it wasn't "men and children first."

  • Morgan - 11 years ago

    Even IF paternity tests are mandatory, a Family Court judge will NOT let men out of the financial burden of supporting a liars' child.

  • Lexie Romeo - 11 years ago

    Cheek swab, not heel prick, please. Also, the heel prick isn't mandatory. It's just that no-one tells parents that. I'm all for a mandatory swab though.

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