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Do you you think it's OK to declaw cats?

Total Votes: 1,153

  • Ashley Elliott - 10 years ago

    I'm a cat lover, and to be honest I never knew the horrors of cat declawing. I moved into an apartment with a friend and began thinking of getting at cat, and my roommate told me she didn't mind as long as I got it declawed. I agreed, thinking I would literally do anything to have a cat, but when I came across the documentary The Paw Project, I was mortified! I felt so relieved that I had not gotten a cat yet, and now I will be waiting until I move out because I will never even think of declaring a cat. Its disgusting and so inhumane and I cannot believe cat owners, who supposedly love their cats will declaw them, even after learning about it!

  • Jane - 12 years ago

    I had a former friend who adopted two kittens, signed a paper agreeing not to declaw them during the adoption, got training from me on how to trim cat nails, had another friend put protective sheets on her furniture, then got me to put silicon cat claw covers on her kittens and STILL decided to have their claws and part of their toes cut off because her vet gave her a discount on a spaying/declawing deal and told because they had 6 toes instead of 5, it needed to be done. In all honesty I think she did it because she was worried about her furniture, and according to her words, it was "her right to do it" because she owned them and it was the only way she would keep them (great justification, right?). Then to top it all off, she decided to be angry at me and anther friend for spreading "gossip" because it was her business. If noone speaks up, people like this person will feel justified for mutilating more cats in the future, or worse, convince other, more naive people to do the same... all for their own selfish and disrespectful reasons. I hope this practice gets banned in Canada soon because apparently we don't have enough people smart enough to not to do it to the pets they claim they love.

  • Rose - 12 years ago

    Who are the 21% who think it's OK to mutilate cats by declawing?
    It's beyond belief that anyone would think that ten (or eighteen) amputations of essential body parts was OK.
    It's beyond belief that any vet would do this painful and crippling surgery.
    Declawing is cruel beyond words!

  • Ruth aka Kattaddorra - 12 years ago

    We in the UK admire Camille very much and wish her luck in getting this legalised abuse of cats banned!
    Of course is is NOT OK to declaw cats, if it was it wouldn't be banned in 39 countries and some Californian cities and in fact here in the UK our vets would not perform this major surgery even before it was banned. It is the amputation of the cats last toe joints, not a simple manicure!
    Cats need their claws to stay healthy, scratching is not bad behaviour it is necessary behaviour to a cat and it's very easy to teach a cat to use a scratching post or pad.
    Declawing, a supposedly last resort for serious scratching problems is being done to little kittens along with neutering, this is VERY wrong, it disables cats for life and can causes many mental and/or physical problems.
    I hope one day this cruel surgery will be banned worldwide !
    (Retired vet nurse and founder of the International Coalition of Declawing group)

  • Wendy Boudreau - 12 years ago

    Declawing cats is a CRUEL procedure. Like a few others mentioned there ARE other ways of training your cats to stop "scratching" the furniture or climbing up your curtains, cats ARE smart and learn just as fast as if you were training a dog! We all do that every DAY but people are lazy, they say "oh what the heck,just declaw the cat and be done with it! I am a friend of Camille's and I gathered names on the petition last summer and I was HORRIFIED to hear one lady say that. Another lady simply said "no, I won't sign the petition....I HATE cats" I was aghast! So just because she doesn't "like" cats it's ok to TORTURE them? SAD! Camille is doing a FANTASTIC job of INFORMING people and bringing awareness to this and other important facts that our animal population has to deal with. Bringing THIS to the attention of our Government is a crucial step!

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