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What time is it in Oil Country?

Total Votes: 3,805

  • Jbomb - 12 years ago

    I agree.. Leave the lines!!!! It's way ezier to play with the same guys night after night rather than switching the lines every shift like they have been doing for the last two years

  • Cheez whiz - 12 years ago

    Whitney, Belanger, Smyth, N.Shultz, Hopkins, Petrell, Krueger, Tambellini,Lowe, Katz

  • Fed up - 12 years ago

    What's wrong with the Oilers?

    In summary, two words:

    Kevin Lowe.

    He's the only common denominator over the past 13 years of futility. Coaches? Fired and changed out. Trainers? Fired and changed out. Roster? The only hold overs at this point are Horcoff, Hemsky and now that he's returned, Smyth.

    it is truly painful to see the kids drowning night after night because management simply does not know how to construct the roster around them with adequate support players - and by adequate, I mean NHL players not on their last legs, NHL players who can regularly contribute, players that have a specialty and are actually good at it. Players who know their role - support the kids - and play it to the hilt. Eager, Belanger, Smyth, Petrell....good grief. They aren't the solution. Remember when the Oilers used to be great at finding good bottom of the roster role players and paid them accordingly? Now it seems like the m.o. of management is to find guys who are in their twilight years and to over pay them in dollars and term. *Sigh*

    Part of all this mess is also on Katz's shoulders too. It's beginning to become clear with each passing season of failure that Daryl is a friend to Kevin Lowe, and a fan, but not his employer or boss in the traditional business sense - what other boss or employer would allow failure of this magnitude to continue beyond one season of it?

    Culture change is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot regarding this team, and I agree it is sorely needed at this point. But real culture change will never truly happen until Lowe (*and Tambellini, and even MacTavish) are relieved of their duties. A complete change from top to bottom will be the beginning of a new era.

    Until such time, things will remain as they were and currently are: broken.

  • David newton - 12 years ago

    This isn't the Swiss national team. Stop babying the young guys. Put the kids back on the top line. Put Hemsky gags and yak back together. And juggle the other two lines around. Things only started going wrong when they started messing with the top two lines.

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