Should Gov. Herbert sign or veto HB 76?


  • Paleface - 12 years ago

    If a "Gang banger" is a citizen of the USA and has never committed a crime then he should be allowed all the rights of anyone else. When he becomes a law breaker and commits a felony he will lose the right to carry any firearm. Why should the criminal become the reason for denying the rights of law abiding citizens?

  • david - 12 years ago

    i hesitate because if a gang banger is carrying he can be arrested or but if its legal thats one more that gets away because he can carry it legally. unless we can get them for something else then they can go free.

  • Adam F - 12 years ago

    A lot of misleading misconceptions about this bill.

    1. It does NOT bypass permits in the slightest

    2. It really only benifits the open carry individuals , same rules apply as open carry. Just now your coat can cover it.

    3. It potentialy could lead to issues should you be stopped or arrested by police. I recommend you disarm before talking with the police are at least be honist and clear the air.

    Permit holders still get rights others do not........

    So stop freaking out lol

  • Hoser - 12 years ago

    Sign it, Mr. Governor. Please. If we were talking about infringing upon people's First Amendment rights, the ACLU and everyone's dog would be all over this, frothing at the mouth. In DC v. Heller, SCOTUS confirmed that the "right to keep and bear arms" is an INDIVIDUAL right, not something applicable to a militia. And the key part of the amendment is this "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED." Sure, I'm OK with restricting the rights of those who commit serious violent crimes, but the right is either INALIENABLE (God-given) or not, and the Constitution says IT IS. So telling me I have to have a permit to carry a gun, when I am a law-abiding citizen, goes against the very fiber of my being. My spirit literally cries against it.

  • Tony - 12 years ago

    Im fine with him singing it into law. As a firearms instructor I feel there is a better way to do this. It takes 3 months or so to get the permit after taking the class. Allow instructors to sign a "learners permit" that allows people to do what this bill would that is carry a gun concealed without a round in the firing position, just like the open carry law. if you dont want to pay for the full permit and carry loaded or on school grounds like a state collage campus then you dont have to pay for that and just use the permit they give you.

  • Momo - 12 years ago

    I'm anti-guns like MacGyver! Period.

  • steven - 12 years ago

    It is legal to buy a gun and carry in the open. You do not need training to open carry. The only thing this bill changes is it allows you to put a coat on if it starts to rain and it won't get you in trouble. That's it! My wife won't carry a gun unless she has formal training, even though I'm in the military she still wants to go to a class, that is her being responsible. People don't need laws telling them to be responsible. Besides criminals will carry wichever way they want.

  • Adam F - 12 years ago

    I have been very disappointed with ksl handling this topic. At every turn they mention the opposition but hardly never the for's. Story after story, talk of the people against , but no word of the people for it. Every story was riddled with inaccurate statements about the bill. Leaving a clear feeling on how bad it is, but never the good in it. Fox News has remained impartial and fare, thank you for that.

  • Delilah - 12 years ago

    Sorry--I meant this FOX news article--I've been following several of them--is inaccurate.

  • Delilah - 12 years ago

    The article on KSL is inaccurate. This bill would not "do away with" the training that is required to obtain a concealed weapon permit. The difference between this law and the open carry law that we have now boils down to this: Instead of being required to broadcast the fact that you are carrying a gun (UNLOADED), you would be able to conceal it to avoid public alarm. (such as when you may be going to the gun range or traveling to a cabin). You would still be REQUIRED to get a concealed weapons permit to carry ANY LOADED WEAPON. That is it. READ THE BILL! Too many people are being misinformed! Oh, and Governor, PLEASE SIGN THIS BILL--IT MAKES SENSE!

  • Robert - 12 years ago

    I see both sides. Frankly, we shouldn't need permission to to carry, this is our right. But I also think training is important. So I guess you could say I'm split. One point I would like to make however, if we do keep training in for conceal carry, other states will honer it. Without it, you will not be able to carry in any state but Utah. So I'm for training I guess, as long as we can keep the gun loaded. An empty gun carry permit is useless.

  • James - 12 years ago

    This bill should be signed. People that are commenting against this bill are obviously not reading the actual bill. There is a BIG difference between this bill and a “concealed carry permit”. Educate yourself before you spew garbage. There is a variety of circumstances where people need to transport weapons and being allowed to conceal that weapon is sensible.

  • Brenda Butts - 12 years ago

    I am not a registered gun owner, nor do I own a gun, but i have had weapons training when i was in the military and I believe the training that is required to get a concealed permit is very valuable. People shouldnt be able to just buy a gun without knowing safety (even from a hunters safety class) and how to handle and fire the weapon they are purchasing. There is so much that most people don't know that can help them be safe just by going through some kind of training. Please veto this bill.

  • sam - 12 years ago

    Don't do it, people should have to attend the class and familiar themselves with a weapon, and background check done prior !!!!!! Current law is fine !!!

  • Jason - 12 years ago

    Sign this bill! Concealed carry is safer and more secure.

  • dale - 12 years ago

    please dont veto this bill.. this is are american rights

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