Was the war in Iraq worth it?
No, the media failed to fact check anything and just parrotted government press releases about WMD
Yes it got rid of Saddam Hussein even if we sold him his WMD in the 1st place
Yes it helped rid the world of another dictator even if a million Iraqis died
Yes because it proved the hypocrisy of the west as they tortured and massacred civllians on film
No it cost trillions of dollars, bankrupted the US morally and financially and led to Iran's rise
Yes we replaced one dictatorship with a corrupt government and a country where electricity and clean water is a luxury
No war is worth that much money, soliders and civillians lives when based on a lie.
The war helped destroy our liberties at home and create a false sense of fear that our government has ceased upon
No war is worth it. The UN weapons inspectors should have been given more time to do their job
Yes it forced al-Qaeda to come to Iraq so we could fight them in one place, even if we lost and they are still killing Iraqis
No the country will be struck by sectarian strife and terrorist attacks for years to come
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