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Should the Canaveral Port Authority give Brevard Public School $5 million to save 3 schools from closing? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,904

  • jessie - 12 years ago

    I use the Port for cruises, restaurants and school field trips. I have no problem with the Port in turn supporting us by supporting the schools. As far as school attendance being down - better check your facts independently.

  • David - 12 years ago

    A word to the wise is sufficent. Keith and Pat's comments are very insightful and highlight important issues to be addressed. Page four of the following link confirms the accuracy of Pat's initial statement.

  • Pat - 12 years ago

    Regarding my previous comment, in the interest of accuracy, I must admit that I cannot locate the blurb I thought I saw printed in Florida Today indicating that both Mr. Bistline and another attorney had been consulted and not found issues with the legality of a Port donation to the schools. While I still believe this to be the case, I cannot state that it was reported in Florida Today. Mea culpa for any confusion.

  • Pat - 12 years ago

    If what you say is accurate Kevin, I find it curious that Atty. Bistline did not bring these same issues to light when consulted on the legality of a Port donation to keep the schools open. He is their atty of record and that of the School District as well. It would seem that he would have fully investigated on behalf of both entities before rendering a legal opinion. If he did investigate before offering the opinion that was noted in Florida Today and your assertions are found to be correct, both the Port Authority and the School District should take heed.

  • Keith - 12 years ago

    A local attorney cannot rule on this issue. The issue needs to have an opinion by the State Attorney. The simple fact of this is the Port is a Political Subdivision of the State and just cannot "donate" money to another public government. The port accepts federal grant money for projects, including the contested K9 program the Police Department has. If the Port Donates money to another entity of that magnitude they will lose any Federal funding and be subject to repayment for current grants received. The issue is not just as simple as here is the money. People are not thinking, as the good Commissioner was hoping. They are using emotions to rule judgment. Folks the port revenues (by law) can only be used to support and build economic infrastructure within the port or port interests to create jobs and economic development in the community. In addition, EVEN IF the port were legally able to do this with no fall out, what happens next year? The county is losing residents and money at an astounding rate. The schools are not operating efficiently and are not all at capacity. It does not make sense to spend that money on schools that will only end up closing next year anyway. Where will the county make up that shortfall next year? The port will then be viewed as a "cash cow" every year and be put in a position to continue donating excess funds? The Feds will then not grant the limited funds available for infrastructure to Brevard County. The Port will then have no way to improve and build on the Cargo and Transportation needed to support the port. Sure, it is a noble gesture and that is all it is. You are not going to do anything except extend the "death" of three schools by maybe a year. Strip the port of the ability to get federal funding and put them in a position to have to pay back Federal funds and prevent any future grants from being considered.

    The other issues that will arise are numerous. The Port cannot also designate "who" the money goes to. It would have to be given to "Brevard County" (even if it was legal) and then the distribution would be made. The county would then pull $5million from the schools and put the port's donation in that pot, taking their $5 million back to General Funds. This happened with the money raised by Florida Lottery for Education.

    Children will still be educated, still go to schools and the county will just adjust. Children are unfortunately a ploy in politics as they pull on the heart strings. I am not begrudging children anything (I have my own), but this will ultimately be money that is doing nothing but pushing the inevitable out a year, causing more financial issues than creating, and is most likely Illegal. The Port is not a private business that can just donate. It is an official government body within the state of Florida and is governed by charters, the State Constitution, Law and Federal Regulations. This should not be a knee jerk donation to cloud other issues. If it were a serious and heartfelt offer it should be pushed through the Federal Attorneys (for grants) and the State Attorney General for an opinion.

  • Chris and Carrie Young - 12 years ago

    Yes. We definately agree that our schools should have some kind of financial help. If they are willing to help our schools and are financially able to I think it is the greatest thing ever considering there are many in the upper class that don't care because their children have schools that do not ever get closed or resort to homeschooling. We lower class can't afford home schooling for our children and believe that if we can't afford it and someone else can that it is definately the work of God's children. Thank you and God Bless you Port Authority!

  • LeAnn - 12 years ago

    Education is always a sound investment. By investing in the Brevard County schools, the Port invests in the children who may be their staff and human resources of tomorrow.

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