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Will You Be Buying Disney Infinity?

Total Votes: 138

  • Mab - 11 years ago

    The story and gameplay in the various worlds will have very high, because as I understand it, characters can only be used in their own part of the game. Mr Incredible can't drop in to help Jack fight pirates. The place that they can all interact is the toybox mode, but how much of that wil be gameplay and how much just fooling around. Being able to build a world of mixed Disney parts would be fun, but then what? Skylanders works as a kind of fantasy game Avengers. Even Smash Brothers Brawl had an mode to let you have an epic adventure with the big names of Nintendo gaming. Disney has a lot of characters and a lot of story worlds. Kingdom Hearts showed what could be done with that. Disney Infinity could be awesome, if they haven't focused too much on the toybox just being a place to muck around. For now I just wait and see.

  • Henry Rodriguez - 11 years ago

    I didn't even know about it till I hit your email. As I voted ill have to see it. But we love skylanders imore curious aboutbhe swapable charecters in your line released in fall this year

  • Ras - 11 years ago

    Looks interesting I'll probably get this for the kids but I still plan to stay loyal to skylanders

  • Trent Young - 11 years ago

    I think Disney Inifinity is somehow trying to rip off of the Skylanders. Also, I hate Disney with every fiber in my being. I mean, nobody seems to care much about Warner Bros. and/or Looney Tunes as much as I do. I can only hope that this game won't become popular, but we all know that Disney has a lot of power to influence almost everyone in the world.

  • Carolina - 11 years ago

    Infinity seems to be a completly diffrent game and not so much focused on the figurines and collectibels. They seem to have focus more on the worlds inside the game and to be able to create your own worlds and game inviroments then the toys. What I understand it, the toys will not be able to jump into the same worlds as all the skylanders can. The toys seems to just be one small part of it as they see a thing to make money of and they see that the kids love smart toys.

    I don't think Skylanders will feel much of this competition.

  • Justin - 11 years ago

    I think it has to many limitations

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