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Should pot be legalized?


  • Eddie Cikkogn - 11 years ago

    Besides.....we are talking about plain legal marijuana-not the street stuff that comes with harder,more addictive, and more dangerous additives laced in it....THAT'S the bad stuff!

  • Eddie Cikkogn - 11 years ago

    Just like anything else-responsibility is key. 3 drinks at a bar within a couple hours and you know you shouldn't be driving & the same mentality should apply to the pot! Legalize it? YES! Alcohol is a far worse form of mind alteration & you don't hear alot about violent stoners do you? How about a screening for potential legal users that parallels the gun ownership laws? A waiting period to have a background check! Anyone with a history of substance abuse or drug convictions are turned down & people who qualify receive their legal stoner ID within a week! And the pot enforcement laws can easily mimic the alcohol laws. As far as age goes-same as alcohol (still wont stop teens), but that's where parental guidance comes into play. Honestly, I'd rather have my teenage son raid a pot stash than the legal firearms in the closet!! Might lose some frozen pizzas from the freezer but no one gets hurt other than dropping the frozen pizza on his foot & maybe breaking a toe! I've done that and it hurts-not to mention the people who giggle at you for it! If they treat the marijiuana like alcohol & prescription drugs it will prove to be even less of a problem than one would think! Let's go America-vote yes! Maybe they'll call it The Bong Bill-or The Spliff Law? Either way, it's a win for legislature-you have to be stoned to understand most politicians anyway!

  • LisaAnne - 11 years ago

    Addictive behavior is not caused by pot or alcohol. Alcohol is legal so should marijuana be legal. There are more lethal drugs and criminals that need to be incarcerated. Let the pot smokers out and put the cocaine dealers and gun runners in.

    Then let's start the process to legalize prostitution.

    If pot and prostitution were legalized, I believe the money being spent on their elimination could be spent elsewhere (homeless/hungry) not to mention the new revenue generated by legalizing pot and prostitution could have a positive impact on our country's economy.

  • d - 11 years ago

    I had millions of dólares for crime scene cleanups in one year for a drug that supposedly never skills anyone. 80% were pot smoking perps. Then there were the suicidas.

  • Benita - 11 years ago

    Marijuana has incredible medicinal value. It should at least be legalized for medical use - not just in Texas, but in the US. I'm sorry to hear about stories like Rebecca's, however, just like any other drug it should be used with care and responsibility.

  • jon mathe - 11 years ago

    Legalizing pot is just another step in the dumbing down of America. The majority of stoners are not productive members of society producing a product that someone wants to purchase. Legalizing pot will make people pliable to whatever the goverment wants to do and increasing people's dependance on government. It isn't surprising that 50% of people support legalizing pot since more than 50% of people pay no taxes and get some sort of government assistance. People are becoming less self reliant and more like the surrender monkeys in France living on the goverment dole..

  • Joyce gilbreath - 11 years ago

    I am incensed at your comments about pot. Pot addiction...and it is addictive...has ruined my sons life. He's lost every job, his family and has caused agony for our family and his children. If you could see his little girls begging their daddy to be sober you'd NEVER say the things you've said this morning or make jokes. I've listened to your station for years but had to turn it off this morning because this subject is so painful. You don't know what you're talking about, Rebecca!

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