Was President Obama's Praise Of California Attorney General Kamala Harrison's Good Looks Improper?

1 Comment

  • John - 11 years ago

    When a ship is sinking I don't think that the issue of its captain leering at a female crew member should rank very high on this list of issues to make hay over. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    This is a man who is overseeing sequester "cuts" whose aim are clearly to punish regular folks for not demanding that the government spend its way into default because if the law's aim were to effect automatic reductions without a political agenda we as taxpayers wouldn't have footed the lavish hotel bill of vice-treasodent Biden who stayed one night to the tune of $585,000.00, the treasodent and his family wouldn't be taking be taking monthly separate vacations- each with its own secret service detail- all on the taxpayer's dime, we wouldn't be continuing to squander money rebuilding and arming Afghanistan, a country whose leader does not want our help; all the while services get cut because funding dries up- police services being trimmed, airport towers being closed, cancer patients being turned away from Medicare funded clinics because the so-called sequester cuts that are NOT actual reductions but are punitive and petty little gestures of vindictiveness because we little sheep didn't get brainwashed into demanding that the government keep spending itself into a self destructive hole... something they clearly shown they have ZERO intention of averting... perhaps because the crisis will be dealt with at the expense of our sovereignty? That might be why the rush to erode the second amendment- the authority that will impose austerity on us does not want us to be armed.
    So treasodent Obama made some inappropriate comments about the California Attorney General's looks and we're supposed to ignore that he's using children as political props to blunt resistance to his treasonous agenda, that his administration ordered that guns be walked south of the Mexican border enabling the murder of many- including children (apparently Mexican children don't count...?????) and clung to a stupid "it was the video" line when he did nothing to stop the cold blooded murder of four Americans in Benghazi because responding to the warnings he had months in advance would have exposed his claim that the terrorists were on the run as the bold faced lie that it was- that his political fortunes were more important than American lives.
    The media has aided and abetted these crimes and is therefore an accessory to them. Members of our government need to be arrested by the entity whose members also swear to uphold the Constitution- the armed forces... but there's no popular demand for any of this because we've been socially engineered to just accept the utter defeat being shoved down our throats... but oh ghast! Treasodent Obama made a comment about a females looks so let's soil ourselves in self righteous pretentiousness.

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