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Which of these should be the priority of proposed immigration reform?

Total Votes: 778

  • Amanda Johnson - 11 years ago

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10TH! Please excuse the error...

  • Amanda Johnson - 11 years ago

    Unionized workers, including SEIU and CSEA with the Westchester Putnam Central Labor Body and the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) are coming together tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9TH at 4:30 PM in White Plains (Martine Ave. & MLK Blvd.) to make our voices heard about Immigration Reform. We are demanding President Obama and Congress act to pass common sense immigration reform this year. THE TIME IS NOW for a realistic path to citizenship and reform to keep families together, raise standards for all working people, and keep the economy strong. WE MUST STAND UNITED TO WIN THIS FIGHT! Today's broken system hurts all workers - it's time to get rid of this two-tier workforce. WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS OR THE CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN OF IMMIGRANTS - JOIN US TO SEND THE MESSAGE THAT ALL WORKERS ARE STANDING FOR IMMIGRANTS.

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