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Would you have Botox in your 20s?


  • Patrick - 11 years ago

    In response to Tim, the lady you are referring to, her face will not be sagging any more than it would have due to Botox. There is years of studies and research. Botox only lasts 3/4 months then the muscles that were injected go back to normal. As long as you go to a reputable, experienced Doctor then Botox is 100% safe. Prevention is better than cure so having it from your mid - later 20's will definitely hold off the wrinkles, along with good skincare. If you are worried about one or two lines now they'll soon be 10/20 especially if your not a daily sunscreen user. Research doctors and their conferences for Juvederm / Allergan. They will all tell you prevention is better than cure. It's fact.

  • Tim - 11 years ago

    I know a lady now in her 40s, she started using Botox in her 30s. All the natural muscle in her face keeping her mostly wrinkle free before hand, wasted away, and now her face sags, and has aged her much more than she would have done without it. It is, at the end of the day a poison.

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