Do you feel that it was irresponsible for King to report that a dark-skinned male was a suspect in the attacks without proper verification?


  • WestsideWill - 11 years ago

    A young black man, with a hoody and a hat, has been robbing fast food stores in Orange County. He has hit like four times in two weeks, but the survailance camera shows a nice looking boy. So.... should we not even CONSIDER that there is a chance that a young kid with a hoodie and hat and glasses could be up to something?????? How bout that one Al Sharpton? Where is the biggit Al Sharton on this one? lol

  • Tom in Ohio - 12 years ago

    Did you expect anything intelligent to come from sharpton

  • Loretta Fauntleroy - 12 years ago

    Charles, Rev Al did not call him a uncle Tom it was Rev Jessie Jackson... Now as for the race card, you call it when you see it and just maybe people with stop using it. John King should not have said what he said. What point was he trying to make by it? Let's not give people a pass on this type of language. I have yet to hear them characterize these young me as white skinned or any other white american under siege. It is not about color it is about the vicious act that was perpetrated upon innocence people by evil.

  • Dawn - 12 years ago

    Charles is Obviously "White" along with the rest of the 135, No voters.

  • charles - 12 years ago

    I just laugh at the way Sharpton is always so quick to throw out the race card. Yes the news media should verify before they report but just because they reported that the guy was dark skinned doesn't imply that the person was a black man. sharpton is just as racist as the people he accuses. This is the guy who called Mr. Obama an uncle tom. Which in my book is a racist statement.:

  • charles - 12 years ago

    I just laugh at the way Sharpton is always so quick to throw out the race card. Yes the news media should verify before they report but just because they reported that the guy was dark skinned doesn't imply that the person was a black man. sharpton is just as racist as the people he accuses. This is the guy who called Mr. Obama an uncle tom. Which in my book is a racist statement.:

  • charles - 12 years ago

    I just laugh at the way Sharpton is always so quick to throw out the race card. Yes the news media should verify before they report but just because they reported that the guy was dark skinned doesn't imply that the person was a black man. sharpton is just as racist as the people he accuses. This is the guy who called Mr. Obama an uncle tom. Which in my book is a racist statement.:

  • sasha - 12 years ago

    May I ask why there was a need to call Rev. Sharpton outside of his name? The focus is not him but should be the victims and their families. He is correct in saying that all news reporting should be responsible for what they report. Abraham Lincoln said: Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
    There is power in the press, let's use it wisely and stop igniting fear and hatred just for ratings.

  • charles - 12 years ago

    Al Sharpton is an idiot.

  • Robert Mays - 12 years ago

    CNN must be the sister station of the FOX network nether one can get things right the first time.

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