How much do you believe it will affect the education of elementary students if Lansing schools cut specialist teachers for art, music and physical education?


  • Deborah Cole - 11 years ago

    Just ANOTHER stupid mistake that is bringing continuous negative to Lansing Schools. Who will want to substitute in Lansing?????????????? I am glad that I got out when I did. How shaming to have MSU Art Dept. give a rebuke. All of these HOT SHOT legislators think that they have the answer. When was the last time ANY of them were in a public school for any period of time?

  • Valerie E - 11 years ago

    Art, music and P.E. are often referred to as the "Specials" classes in elementary schools. Most people mistakenly think it's because they are something special, outside of the curriculum. This is a false assumption. What "specials" refers to is the specialist training that the teachers of those particular subjects have. Music, art, and P.E. teachers hold degrees in their content area of expertise, not a general ed degree.

    I teach art. I have earned both a Master of Art Education degree, and a BFA in my subject area, and I have 12 years of experience in my field. Many times, classroom teachers tell me that they appreciate my work because they really have no idea how to do what I do in the art room.

    How are the Lansing teachers, who have probably taken ONE undergraduate course in each of those subjects going to be able to maintain the quality of education for the students? It's impossible! You, classroom teacher. Teach Johnny how to play the recorder, and how to properly hold a bamboo vs. easel brush. It is by no means the fault of the teachers, if and when quality decreases. But to say that the subjects are going to continue to be taught at the same level is a delusion.

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