Should Connecticut's Minimum Age Be Raised, As Governor Malloy Suggests?


  • John - 11 years ago

    ...and the way you increase your age is to wait a year.

  • Jim - 11 years ago

    The way you increase your wage is to work harder, ,gain more skills/education and get a more advanced job that gets you a career. Same as it always was. Minimum wage jobs are not what you build a life on. Of course John points out the real reason, it increases the base that union wages are calculated on. Personally , I am not sure what the short term effect on actual employment would be. However it is clearly another signal to business that we really don't want you here. Wrong signal. That from a guy who sits slightly left of center.

  • Uh... - 11 years ago

    Minimum Age for what???? Did you mean WAGE????????

  • John - 11 years ago

    Increasing the minimum will only effect a back door raise for public sector union rank and file whose wages are derived from a formula that is based on the minimum wage. There is an unemployment problem in Connecticut and the folks who Malloy and the legislature espouse such compassion for would be hurt by an increase as the places that actually pay minimum wage and are operating on thin margins would lay off help.

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