Should Illegal (Or Undocumented) Immigrants Be Given Connecticut Drivers Licenses?


  • John - 11 years ago

    There are 750,000 illegals on the terror watch list- why are we discussing legitimizing lawlessness by granting licenses and not concentrating on deportation- concentrating on those who pose a potential threat?

    And let's collectively reject the brainwash legitimization via PC rhetoric garbage and call it what it is- illegal immigration.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Maybe this is just a ploy by the politicians to get the immigrants to go back to their home countries. I know that after dealing with the Motor Vehicle Dept. here in Connecticut, I'm ready to go to another country. DMV has got to be the most dis-functional branch of the goverment I've ever seen! The only thing they really know what to do is say no, you can't, we won't, and pay me!

  • den - 11 years ago

    What is it that our legislators don't understand about the words Illegal Immigrants? They are criminals, they should be arrested and sent back to their country or maybe after review of their reason why they are here illegally, given a chance to come here legally.

    More undocumented Democrats is all they see.

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