If You Lived In Newtown, What Would You Do With Sandy Hook ELementary School?


  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    Sell it to a regional business, to be used as a commercial warehouse. Or, use it to warehouse local town's records, property, and machinery. A few rooms could be locked permanently, and the rest of the building could be useful to someone who has no ties to those lost in the massacre. Even below market value, it would generate commercial property tax revenue, helping the town build a new regional grade school, or expand an existing grade school in an adjacent town.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Keeping the politics out is clearly not an option. I think the facility would serve nicely as a amnesty center "assault" weapons depository once the second amendment gets repealed.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    A tastefully done memorial for the 27 killed on that day would be nice, as long as politics is kept out.

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