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Should the CRD ban smoking on beaches?

Total Votes: 142

  • Tom McColm - 11 years ago

    To smoke or not to smoke outside in certain areas that affects other people
    is something each individual should should have enough brains to be considerate of others comfort and health. We do not need the CRD to once again exersize its desire to control our everyday lives with more regulation and bylaws. They continue to expand their empire into our homes, properties and everyday lives. Common sense does not need to be regulated by this bureaucracy.

  • Eric Booth - 11 years ago

    News flash -

  • Rog Webber - 11 years ago

    No, smoking should not be banned in outdoor areas. I don't smoke, but those who do have to able to smoke somewhere. However, I think we should ban drumming in public places. It's very annoying.

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