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Is The President Using The IRS To Punish His Opponents?


  • John - 11 years ago

    Rosarius employed a choice of words that suggests otherwise. The faithful adherence to the talking points smear of the tea party plus the notable use of the phrase "sinister cabal" suggest someone whose mental faculties are steeped in partisan propaganda more than just part time... and who might just derive his livelihood from the systematic propagandization of the masses. Much would be deemed accomplished if we were to allow ourselves to be goaded into a verbal slug fest with someone who would more than love to present real life "evidence" that conservative tea party activists are uncivilized brutes unworthy of constitutional protections because they are incapable of exercising them responsibly.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    Rosarius must depend on the Federal Government for a job or for handouts. That is the only type of person who should fear Tea Party and Republican control of government offices. Hard-working people have nothing to fear from the Tea Party and Republican Party. The recent actions by the IRSopranos do not bode well for the Democrat Party in the 2014 US Senate Elections. Before the scandal broke, Republicans were slightly favored to wrest control of the US Senate from the Democrats. Now, it looks like a shoo-in for Tea Party candidates and run-of-the-mill Republicans to seize back Congress and clean out the corruption in the White House through investigations, indictments, and litigation.

  • rosarius roy leonardi - 11 years ago

    The Tea Party and Republican Party are nothing more than a sinister cabal for right-wing hate, homophobia, misogyny, and racism. The IRS should allow the US Attorney to prosecute these people for treason. Their funding sources should also be prosecuted.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    I find it impossible to believe that the President, and the Attorney General have been completely in the dark on the recent screwings by their subordinates. I was really hoping their "transparency" would get better after the Fast and Furious incident when an American border guard was killed. But now we have 4 more Americans killed, plus the IRS trying to silence people! I'm reminded here of Sgt. Schultz from Hogans Hero's, " I KNOW NOTHING!"

  • carrie - 11 years ago

    So sad . This once great Country has gone to crap. Pathetic.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Punish or intimidate. Either way it is so unethical it brings to the forefront of a critically thinking mind whether this presidency possesses the ethical and moral fortitude to continue. This is not without precedence though- the use of the IRS as a tool of intimidation was spelled out in the articles of impeachment that were brought against Nixon which brought his presidency to a most dishonorable close when he was forced to resign.

  • den - 11 years ago

    Good ole "Chicago Style Dirty Politics".

  • frank - 11 years ago

    One of the platforms of the Tea Party calls for ending the IRS as we now know it and instituting a FAIR TAX. Obama wants nothing more than to grow the goverment and he needs his bill collectors. You have to be an idiot to think this is anything other than plain old dirty politics!

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