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Amy’s Baking Company Bakery Boutique & Bistro had a Facebook meltdown. What do you think? PR fail or publicity stunt?


  • J Rensick - 11 years ago

    They are not Toyota. They can't just bounce back from a big PR fail like this. if they are seen as belligerent, ranting, and worst of all, mistreating their staff, customers won't want to shop there no matter how many times they see the brand mentioned on facebook. I suppose they could reopen "under new management" for the time being, and work there as staff themselves. People might pay to see that.

  • Valerie andrews - 11 years ago

    My PR students have had a field day with this! They all think it's a disaster, a complete failure to understand how social media could've been used to their advantage.

  • KK - 11 years ago

    No, it is not fake. If you watch the show.. Kitchen Nightmares the verbiage that was used on the social media is the same that is used on the show by them. It was definitely them posting those posts. They are both in need of some therapy and Amy is so badly wounded that she can't take any criticism that I actually feel really bad for her, and that she has been so delusional to promote the show etc. without seeing that the joke is on her. I DO hope that more business or something positive comes out of this for their sake.

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