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What do you think of Minnesota's minimum wage of $6.15 an hour?


  • Linda - 11 years ago

    That is totally ridiculous but they can pass a law for gays and lesbians to marry.What is this world comin to nobody care about the poor people anymore.How can anybody live off of $6 and get an apartment,take care of their kids,pay bills,and buy groceries?To the apartment or rental property owners should be ashame of themselves they have this thing they want you to make 3times your rent amount to even be considered to rent the property wether you know it or not you are the reason for the good people being homeless.Somebody in this world need to have a little more compassion toward your fellowman because no matter when you die you can not take all the money you made to hell with you.

  • Jofspades - 11 years ago

    Who here can live on $984 a month?

  • Jofspades - 11 years ago

    $6.15 an hour. Work 40 hours a week and that equals $984 before taxes. Work 60 hours a week and that is $1476 before taxes.

    Enough to eat, get to work, have clothes to wear to work, and sleep under a bridge...

    How about a minimum wage that you can actually scrape by on.

  • Cindy - 11 years ago

    The minium wage was never designed to be a livable wage - it was a start into the workplace where you could gain experience to move onto higher wages. Most jobs paying minium wage require very little if any experience. I understand that we are in a different time and place right now, but increasing the minium wage will most likely have a negative effect on those small employers and they will either let people go or just won't hire anymore people.

  • Caitlin - 11 years ago

    It should be higher. However, not all companies can afford to pay their employess the higher wage if they are a smaller company. That would probably mean less workers.

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