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Printed or eBook?

Total Votes: 11

  • Anthony T. Riggio - 11 years ago

    I love the printed book and I love having the printed book. It is a physical reinforcement of my reading interests and accomplishments.

    This being said, I believe the physical book's TE is waning.

    The E-book will prevail, considering space issues alone moving one's physical library is an incentive to migrating to the E-book.

    The ability to hold in one hand, thousands of books and be able to access them anywhere, anytime is quite the achievement.

    Having a built in dictionary, or a thesaurus is worth the E-books weight in Gold.

    I can read a book anytime and carry my Kindle anywhere.

    Now with the advent of "Goodreads", I can have and show my whole library to anyone, anytime.

    If you are a bibliophile like me, this is sometimes invaluable as I write reviews for all the books I have read for the last couple of years.

    I love the heft and smell of books both individually and collectively but it is time to meet modernity head on.

    Students soon will have all of their school text books on an electronic device or in a "cloud" of some ilk.

    It is time for all is us to realize the change in the whole publishing industry, the saving of costs for the consumer and the saving of our resources and our environment. The manufacturing of paper is one of the great polluters and consumer of tree resources.

    We will get smarter too with E-books as many of us are too busy to stop and look up a word in a dictionary. Plus as the E-reader becomes more ubiquitous, the future devices will allow us to expand our research into questions raised, instantly.

    I am sure physical books will be around for a long time to come but if you have not started your transition to an E-reader, don't wait,

  • Nikki Tezak - 11 years ago

    I prefer the printed books. I am an avid book reader and enjoy my large collection of books. I share my books with friends as do they. E-books are ok but reading the good old fashion way keeps you interested and not distracted by electronics.

    Just my opinion.. Printed all the way


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