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Could You Stay Friends With Someone Who Treated The Waitstaff Poorly?

Total Votes: 40

  • HC - 11 years ago

    People who belittle service industry staff tend to be the type that likes to feel superior to other people. Not my type of friend.

  • Moses Johnson III - 11 years ago

    I would remain friends because it puts you in the unique position of shaming your buddy either endlessly or until they get the hint that behaving like that to servers/waitstaff. We had a friend who is especially nonplussed by the notion of a stranger confronting her about her behaviors, but in the spirit of true friendship, we loved our friend and each took turns berating her while apologizing to the server until she (our friend) was brought to tears... Our friend learned the weight of words that day! She also developed a less-sucky approach to dealing with those who serve others namely her. Either way the point is you lose influence if you detach yourself from someone so it's best to use that as a last resort after the person has proven that they can't be convinced that being an ass is less than the best way to be.

  • jprojectz - 11 years ago

    yo, i've never been a waiter or wutnot so i just don't know, but do they really only get payed like $2 an hour? nationwide? if so i need too step my tip-game up. 2-3 bucks just is not enough. but IDC if they do get minimum wage, if anybody i'm with is treating them bad i'm saying something! we may have to cut the meal short if they cant show a little human decency! luckily i dont attract those kinda people. most if not all dickheadish, rude motherfuckers only like hanging with other dickheadish, rude motherfuckers as too avoid that "am i a dick?" feeling. OR they feel like im not one of "them" (a dickhead) n they therefore "have nothing in common with me. im "wack" because im not rude or mean. im a "sucka" because im "too nice". full disclosure: i AM an assyhole at times and "nothins wrong if its funny" but aint nothing funny about treating your waitstaff like shit.

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