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What is the best two-topping pizza?

Total Votes: 1,155

  • The Great Mustardo - 11 years ago

    pepperoni and jalapeno, FTW

  • Dale Long - 11 years ago

    Oops, one clarification to my Red/Yellow Card suggestion: the two Yellow Card would come in different games because you don't get two in the same game. If you already have a Yellow in a game, the next applicable violation gets a Red Card. So if a player gets a Yellow in Week 3 and Week 6, he sits for Week 7.

  • Dale Long - 11 years ago

    If ham/pineapple had been on there, that would have been my choice.

    And since I can't seem to find anywhere else to post this: Best Stuff From Other Sports That Should
    Be Added To The NFL: Yellow and Red Cards! Multiple violent fouls or one really nasty one (Ndamukong Suh, pay attention), and the ref ejects you from the game (but your team doesn't have to play a man down, like in soccer) and your suspended from the next game. A Yellow Card means you're one bad act from getting tossed, and two yellow cards means you're suspended from the next game. Ejections and suspensions reduce your compensation (and eligibility for free agency if you held out for the first 10 games of the season) accordingly. It hasn't completely cleaned up professional soccer, but it would certainly send a message that the league won't tolerate dirty play.

  • Anders BG Jansson - 11 years ago

    Meatballs on pizza.. in the words of Kix and Ronnie "Only in America"

  • Bob Dobalina - 11 years ago

    No Pepperoni and Italian Sausage? That would have won in a landslide.

  • Jackson Bylett - 11 years ago

    Any answer that is not meatball and onion is wrong.

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