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Which team has the better helmet? (Poll Closed)


  • redduck - 12 years ago

    Well run poll ... 30+ percentage swing in one day ?? Bot or fix ??

  • AK - 12 years ago

    Ann Arbor is a whore

  • Julia - 12 years ago

    Chris, does Sugar Bowl 2012 ring a bell?

  • craig - 12 years ago

    funny how people gotta talk shit about iowa because they had a bad year last year.. the fact of the matter is last year all the teams were pretty much junk in the big 10.. When its supposed to be crunch time iowa is the best in bowl games and always has been! Either way this is about who has the best helmet, Michigans helmet whether its an iconic helmet and one of the most known doesn't mean it's the best helmet, Iowa will own this one and probably go up against penn st and own them too.. mich helmet is boring and penn states is even worse..

  • Chris - 12 years ago

    When was the last time iowa was bowl
    Victory in 2010.....I admit the last couple seasons have been horrible.......but when was the last time Michigan won a BCS bowl? Yea......that's what I thought

  • HAwkeinmd - 12 years ago

    Michigan helmets are so unique that the University of Delaware Fighting Blue Hens have the exact same design. Face it - the Tiger Hawk against the black background is the best looking and is truly unique

  • Classicpatrick - 12 years ago

    Iowa has the best, most original helmets in the Big Ten. Iowa is gonna own bitchagain in this battle and then run through the state penn like they do in football.

  • ssterps24 - 12 years ago

    @jeff wollrab

    Michigan was in the Waterboy too, we had a towel boy get decked.

  • Drew - 12 years ago

    This match will determine once and for all which nation is the greatest on Earth: Mexico or Portugal!

  • hawkeyebabe - 12 years ago

    Gonzalez, stop being conceited please. Not everyone likes Michigan's helmets. I for one never liked them. They always creeped me out, especially when Robinson always had his dreads flowing freely in the back of them. I don't know why, but they always creeped me out... I'm fine with everyone in the B1G's helmet, but theirs.

  • Chuck Norris - 12 years ago

    iowa fans seem a bit sore after the game last year...

  • J Gonzalez - 12 years ago

    If people vote that Iowa has better helmets than Michigan, that's disgusting. EVERYONE knows Michigan has the best helmets, the most recognizable helmets and the most aesthetic helmets in College. This shouldn't even be close. Put your differences and biases aside and vote the right way. If you do, Michigan wins easily.

  • Paul Browns parents - 12 years ago

    Don't worry guys Paul is just starting to watch football, he doesn't know any better.

  • Charlie - 12 years ago

    Ferentz is actually 5 wins and 5 losses against Michigan. Not too bad.

  • DOug - 12 years ago

    Have to go with Iowa on this one there helmets are BAD A$$. and how many times did D. Robinson beat Iowa again Paul Brown. You sound like a annoying Michigan fan.

  • Danny - 12 years ago

    How bout when we beat Michigan three years in a row?

  • Tj Bowen - 12 years ago

    How bout when they upset #3 penn state?

  • Jeff Wollrab - 12 years ago

    @ Paul Brown, 2009. we get one year, then off at least 2. To the helmet thing, Iowa was in Waterboy. Thats it, no contest.

  • Paul Brown - 12 years ago

    Have to go with Michigan on this one. By the way, when was the last time IO_A was good in football?

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